Finance News

The Various Types of Business Loans Startups Can Take Advantage of

Business Finance

There are several ways small businesses and startups can secure business loans. It is crucial for you to do your homework to determine which one is suitable for you. You also need to understand the required application process. You don’t want to rush the process. With so many commercial loans in the USA, it can be quite difficult to choose the right one for your business.

Types of Loans Your Startup Can Explore

There are different kinds of business loans available for small businesses, especially for startups. Below are a few of them.

  • Personal loans

Because most startups are new and yet to develop a track record, owners may need to consider some personal loans. These are based on personal and equity surety. If this is the case, the lender only needs to consider your finances instead of your business finances.

One key advantage of exploring personal loans is that there is no need for collateral. Also, there is a range of funding options. In personal loan deals, lenders have no say on how your money will be used in your daily business operations. The funding process is easy and fast.

However, it comes with some disadvantages. Interest rates are higher. The number of available loans is limited. This business loan is suitable for startups that don’t have any business history. Only good personal credit is required.

  • From loved ones

You can also source your startup finds from family and friends. This method of funding is popular among several startups.

One advantage of this method of business funding is that your loved ones can easily trust and back you up. Again, you don’t venture into debt with a bank. Here, credit terms are adaptable and may come without interest. This type of loan is less inclined to require a definite business plan.

On the other side, it has few demerits. There will be business and relationship entanglement. You are also restricted to the sum your loved ones can offer. They might need to get more connected with your business.

This is perfect for startups that can’t get funds from other types of funding. Their loved ones thereby put resources into their success, to get their investments back at an agreed date.

  • Credit cards for business 

This type of card is a basic finance choice for new companies. They work the same way as personal credit cards, however, they are according to your organization’s income instead of your income. It also means you can borrow more.

One of the advantages of using business credit cards for funding your business is that it’s an effective method for overseeing cash flow. Also, you’ll have instant access to funds. It accompanies appealing perks like free travel insurance,  zero percent interest periods, and reward points.

Some of its disadvantages include – banking fees, not being suitable for new businesses, possibly higher loan fees, and cash withdrawals that come with charges. This type of business loan is useful for a wide range of organizations with great business and personal credit assessments.


If you are just starting in business, finding adequate funds will be an issue. However, there are different methods of accessing business for startups. Personal loans are great. Funds or loans from family and friends are also good. If you have to build your business to some extent, you may consider using commercial loan truerate services or business credit cards.

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