Business Reviews

The Value of a Quality Accredited RSA Course

RSA Course

RSA Course

Overview of Accredited RSA Course Materials

The Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is an important qualification for anyone working in the hospitality industry in Australia. The aim of the RSA course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to serve alcohol responsibly, safely and legally. The course provides a comprehensive overview of key principles and practices related to responsible service as well as licensing requirements and regulations in Australia.

Responsible Service of Alcohol Principles and Practices: 

The core components covered by accredited RSA courses such as accredited RSA course Melbourne include understanding relevant laws, identifying signs or symptoms that may indicate intoxication, managing difficult customers, refusing service when necessary, minimising harm associated with excessive consumption and identifying strategies for dealing with intoxicated patrons. Participants learn about strategies to reduce risks associated with serving alcohol such as providing food or non-alcoholic beverages alongside alcoholic drinks; using appropriate glasses; monitoring customer behaviour; offering water or low-strength/low-alcohol drinks; providing information on standard drink sizes; ensuring legal drinking age is adhered to; avoiding aggressive marketing tactics such as discounted drinks or free alcoholic samples; encouraging safe transport options for customers leaving premises at closing time etc.  

Licensing Requirements And Regulations In Australia:

 An important part of any accredited RSA training course relates to license.

Practical Training Components of an Accredited RSA Course

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is a significant subject for anyone who works in the hospitality industry. In order to obtain an RSA Certificate, applicants must pass a training course that covers many topics related to the responsible service and sale of alcoholic beverages. While some aspects of the course are theoretical, there are several practical components which help prepare students for working in licensed venues. 

Role Plays to Demonstrate Responsible Service in Licensed Venues

In order to understand how RSA applies to real-world scenarios, accredited courses typically include role plays which demonstrate the appropriate manner for serving alcohol responsibly in licensed venues. During these role plays, students typically act out different customer scenarios with an instructor or fellow student acting as their supervisor or manager. This helps them get a better understanding of their responsibilities when serving alcohol and gives them practice dealing with difficult customers who may not follow the rules or regulations set forth by their employer. 

Learning How to Handle Difficult Situations When Serving Alcoholic Beverages 

Another important component of any accredited RSA course is learning how to handle difficult situations when it comes to serving alcoholic beverages. This includes recognizing signs that someone may have had too much to drink, properly monitoring customers.

Assessment Process for an Accredited RSA Course

In order to become a licensed server of alcohol in Australia, individuals must complete an accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course. This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to serve alcohol responsibly and lawfully. The assessment process for an RSA course is designed to ensure that successful participants are adequately equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfil their obligations as a responsible server of alcohol. 

The assessment process for an RSA course typically involves a combination of written assessments, practical activities, case studies and quizzes. Written assessments typically involve short answer questions on topics such as legal requirements when serving alcohol, identifying signs of intoxication in patrons, methods used to prevent intoxicated patrons from being served any more drinks, strategies used to minimise potential risks associated with serving alcohol or other related topics. Practical activities may include role-play scenarios where participants are required to demonstrate how they would use their learnt skills in real-world situations such as refusing service or dealing with difficult customers. Case studies usually involve reading through specific scenarios which require participants to apply their understanding of laws associated with responsible service of alcohol in order to come up with appropriate solutions or responses. Quizzes usually consist of multiple choice questions based on the content covered throughout the RSA course which aim at testing participant’s overall.


An accredited RSA course is a useful tool for anyone looking to work in the hospitality and retail industries. It provides you with the essential skills and knowledge required to serve alcohol responsibly. This can provide an advantage when applying for jobs that involve serving alcohol, as employers are more likely to trust someone who has completed an accredited course.


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