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The Secrets of Manifesting

Contrary to popular belief, there is no single Law of Manifestation. Instead, successful manifestation results from mastering the seven universal laws. This misconception is a significant reason why many people fail to manifest their desires consistently. The oversimplification of the Law of Manifestation often results in sound bites with little substance or guidance. At the same time, other teachings spread the information across various courses and books, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive understanding.

Megan Crouch, the owner of Wise Warrior Coaching, has dedicated herself to mastering the art of manifestation using the seven universal laws. Her journey began during a personal health crisis, leading her to natural healing methods and books like “The Secret.” Dissatisfied with the incomplete information, Megan researched various modalities, including Quantum physics and the Seven Hermetic Principles. Through her discoveries, she developed the following comprehensive four-step protocol to help individuals manifest their goals. 

  1. Thought

    – If you think of it, you can create it. The Law of Manifestation governs this step, which represents the initial thought that activates the process of physical creation. This process is the alpha step that initiates everything else.

  1. Alignment

    – Becoming a vibrational match to what you are creating is crucial. If your current vibration aligns with self-doubt, your subconscious mind will sabotage your actions. The version of you with the initial thought is not the same version that will bring it into reality. This step involves the Laws of Vibration and Correspondence. As your internal world changes through shifts in vibration and frequency, your external world will also shift. Clearing old beliefs makes you magnetic to the right people and resources.

  1. Energy

    – Properly using your energy to respond rather than react to triggers is essential. While you can’t control others, you can control your actions. This step requires understanding the Laws of Polarity and Gender. Healing your wounds allows you to reach a neutral space, allowing you to assess each situation and choose how best to respond. For example, if someone overcharges you for a service, healing can help you see it as a simple mistake you can resolve through conversation or, when necessary, assertive action. The Law of Polarity involves using both options appropriately, while the Law of Gender helps determine when to be creative and receptive (feminine) or take action (masculine).

  1. Birth

    – The final stage is the manifestation, which employs three laws: the Laws of Rhythm (right timing), Rest and Surrender, and Mentalism (the omega). Understanding the correct timing is key. Some manifestations happen in divine timing, while others require you to take action. Ultimately, you need to rest and surrender, trusting that you have done everything possible. Surrendering requires the Law of Mentalism because you must mentally let go without altering your creation with doubt. For instance, don’t start thinking about a red truck when manifesting a blue car.

Megan’s work at Wise Warrior Coaching focuses on helping clients heal trauma, shift their vibrations, and achieve their dreams. For more information, visit or contact Megan. Additionally, she created the Wise Warrior 369 Journal, available on Amazon, to help you focus on your goals.

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