If you close your eyes and picture a typical office space, what do you see? Probably something that closely resembles the sea of grey cubicles from Office Space or a conference room with a giant whiteboard, flanked by a long conference room table. The modern office space, however, is changing. Technological advances and changes in the way people most effectively work mean the space we commute to each morning looks a bit different than it used to. A significant change is the integration of digital signage.
The role of digital signage in an office space is varied, and some of the ways digital signage plays into reducing office burnout and stress may surprise you.
The Office Information Center
Once people gathered around the water cooler to get the latest on what was going on around the office. . Far more eye-catching than bulletin boards or whiteboards, digital signs can allow team members to feel included and up-to-date on what’s happening around them.
Mvix Digital Signage, a top supplier of state-of-the-art digital signs, knows well the power of its product in an office space. Speaking on break-room digital signage specifically, Mvix states, “(Digital signage) can increase employee morale while helping your HR department fine-tune their internal communications strategy.”
When people are informed, entertained, and can communicate with their coworkers, you will find better morale outcomes and less cynical detachment from work.
A Little Fun
Digital signs don’t have to be all information and directives, and they can be fun as well. Trivia games allow healthy competition and team building for employees. Integrating jokes, fun tidbits about employees, and short, entertaining videos into your digital sign displays can help break up the monotony of a typical 9-5 workday.
Mvix Digital Signage has gone all-in on the numerous ways digital signage can work beyond simply informing people. They offer free motivational templates for office digital signage. Motivational displays can help teams achieve goals or weather a tough assignment. Furthermore, using digital signage to celebrate victories can inspire employees as well. Employees who are regularly recognized and lauded for a job well-done report greater satisfaction with their jobs.
Social Connection
One cannot discount the social aspects of work. Though work has changed quite a bit, especially since the outbreak, many still rely on their connection with coworkers as a large part of their social life in general.
A large part of addressing the issue of burnout is to make sure the connection between employees in an office is healthy. Keeping employees informed and encouraging fun competition and a “water cooler” vibe helps build a solid social foundation at work.
We spend much of our lives at work, so finding employers that understand the value of connecting their employees socially is invaluable. Digital signage can play a large part in fostering this connection within the modern office.
Mvix Digital Signage work bring the best options in digital sign technology to offices.
“Digital signage usage is growing. In other words, more and more industries are implementing the technology. Above all, there is still so much untapped potential,” the company states on their blog.
Employee-facing digital signing is still not utilized as much as consumer-facing signage. Statistics show that 51% of end users place their digital signs consumer-facing instead of 9% of users who have their signage employee-facing. But, as Mvix shows, the popularity of employee-facing digital signage is growing in popularity. The more employers learn about how digital signage can positively affect the morale and stress-mitigation of their employees, the more digital signage use in the office will become the standard.