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The Pillars of Defense: Key Duties of a Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal charges are a big offense under the law as they violate and harm the rights, reputation, and physical body of someone. And if you are accused of a criminal offense that you did not commit, then The Zeiger Firm / Philadelphia Criminal Defense Attorney will be your buddy to defend your rights and make your name clean because you are innocent and not guilty of the charges they make against you. The Zeiger Firm will take care of you along the way and give you a 100% chance of winning your case. 

The client should also be reminded and knowledgeable about the process of the criminal defense attorney. Thus, it would lead to learning about the grounds of your case, and you should know the duty of the criminal defense attorney. In this article, we will dig deep into the role of a criminal defense attorney.

Legal Advisor and Counselor

A criminal defense lawyer is an expert in legal advice, wherein they guide clients to the extent of complexities of a criminal justice system in which they should be briefed on the offense that the other side is accusing you of your crimes. They ensure that you understand your rights and the charges against you. And they will tell you about the consequences of the charges they have given you. 

Strategic Case Planner

A criminal defense attorney is the best at having a strategic plan where they will do anything, gather every possible loophole in the case, and provide you with strong evidence in court. They will analyze evidence, interview witnesses, and identify weaknesses in the prosecution case in order to have a good battle in which you will be found not guilty in the sense that the prosecution is just accusing you of the charges against you. 

Negotiator and Mediator

In this case, the attorney will negotiate with the prosecutor beforehand before presenting in court to secure favorable plea deals. And negotiation aims to reduce charges or penalties by balancing the interests of justice and the best outcome of the client’s case if they still want to pursue the case in court. 

Courtroom Advocate

Their primary role as a legal representative in court is that if the negotiation fails and they can’t accept it on the prosecution side, then the real battle begins in presenting evidence while probing questions for the client and witness. Their proficient skills in presenting the case to the case to the court would cast doubt on the case against their client and persuade the judge to give a good verdict. 

Emotional Support and Advocate 

Except for legal representation, the best criminal defense lawyer has emotional support for the client, knowing that his situation is so hard to accuse of the criminal charges that he did not do. Thus, it will make the client more comfortable and trust the lawyer in proceeding throughout the legal steps. It also helps the client make a fast recovery and heal from the stress with which he or she is struggling. 


In this high-stakes criminal law, it is important to have a criminal defense attorney by your side, as they are not just a plain legal representative of your case in court but they are more interested in meeting your expectations, which is that they are an emotional support to you. In this way, it would be a good relationship to win the case together as a client and lawyer. 

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