In today’s digital society, research has indicated that more and more traditional art techniques are crossing over to the virtual space of digital art. Much like the art of journaling, digital scrapbooking is considered to be a versatile hobby amongst the creative community that has the capacity to combine a series of memories into a conjoined digital keepsake. Scrapbooking traditionally is the art of merging photos, memories, and artistic techniques into one cohesive album. However, more and more scrapbookers appear to be converting over to the digital side because of factors that include the material expenses of scrapbooking as well as the convenience that comes with digitization.
Marisa Lerin, who has always loved paper scrapbooking, recognized a gap in the digital art and crafts market when she realized that although traditional paper scrapbooking methods were enjoyable, they did not suit her on-the-go lifestyle of moving from one place to the next. She had then searched for alternative approaches to sustainably and conveniently enjoy her hobby when she stumbled upon and discovered the wonder of digital scrapbooking. Digital scrapbooking is unique from paper scrapbooking in the sense that the digitization of the scrapbooking hobby allows for the creation of memorable artworks by combining and implementing various graphic and digital elements into online and virtual remembrances.
The Development of
Marisa had founded Pixel Scrapper in the year of 2010 as a hobby to gradually enter and test the digital scrapbooking market. She subsequently discovered that although many websites offered digital scrapbooking features, many lacked the sense of community that she was looking for, which is why Marisa wanted to create her own online platform for digital hybrid crafting. What started as a hobby website quickly developed into a full-time, thriving scrapbooking community hub and business for Marisa in 2012. Pixel Scrapper evolved into a registered public benefit company in the year 2019 and currently serves over a million views per month along with more than 150,000 downloads, according to Marisa.
Marisa’s site offers online and digital scrapbooking tutorials and community forums as well as an open project gallery for individuals looking to enter into an online community that enjoys digital scrapbooking as a versatile and innovative new hobby. With what appears to be a thriving digital compilation of graphic tools and digital art kits, this site has possibly set itself apart from competitors by offering free daily downloads to their online users and providing affordable unlimited subscription plans to hobbyists who take their scrapbooking endeavors seriously and require more advanced features.
The Increasing Digital Arts and Crafts Movement
Traditional creatives could consider the digital arts and crafts space to have evolved in recent years into an inventive and fun-loving artistic community where the likes of painters, skechers, and scrapbookers alike are allowed to connect and share their creative juices through the means of online digital channels.
The fundamental principles of traditional arts and crafts have slowly transitioned into a digital space via online platforms, graphic software, and digital art communities. Like many creative hobbies, scrapbooking has been a popular hobby for decades. Still, many scrapbookers come to the realization that, like most artistic hobbies, the physical mediums and materials of the practice can be a considerable expense.
Like Marisa’s, online artistic and creative services have the potential to truly allow for innovation and imaginative creativity through a screen that may be convenient for individuals looking to explore and learn more about the hobby. As a hobby, this practice has the capacity to reflect and preserve fond memories through digital creations that use a combination of thoughts, images, and colors to seamlessly capture personal moments.
As a recently registered benefit company in Oregon, has committed to serving the community’s greater good by providing benefits to their surrounding society ahead of profits. Marisa Lerin has stated in an interview that serving the global digital scrapbooking community has been an important mission she has undertaken since the beginning of her journey. She aims to provide a generous and creative service to fellow scrapbookers who are looking to convert to the online hobby and be a part of a fun loving and sentimental community.
According to recent statistics, has generated 120,000 registered users in possibly more than 200 countries across the globe. What started off as a woman looking to improve her hobby sustainably has now evolved into what may potentially be described as the future of scrapbooking.