The Erasmus project “Expand your frontiers in high technical skills and public speaking” revolutionises the art of public speaking.
24-month transnational initiative brings together six countries to develop innovative and free tools
[Paris France] – Today we highlight the Erasmus project “Expand your frontiers in high technical skills and public speaking”, a largescale transnational collaboration that aims to improve public speaking skills. This ambitious 24-month project, funded by the
Erasmus+ program, brings together six participating countries: France, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Italy and Turkey. Coordinated by
Tony Kohhiba and PARAGRAF International France, this project has resulted in the creation of multiple innovative results that are
now freely accessible to all on a dedicated platform.
The main objective of the project “Expand your frontiers in high technical skills and public speaking” was to develop practical tools
to help individuals improve their public speaking skills, making them more confident and enabling them to overcome the stress
associated with this often intimidating exercise. During the 24 months of this exciting project, five transnational meetings were
organised in different partner cities. Paris, Porto, Braila, Bologna and Istanbul hosted these meetings, allowing participants to share
knowledge, experiences and innovative ideas. These meetings played a key role in developing the final results and strengthened the
links between the partners.
Thanks to close collaboration between the participating countries, three major results have been achieved. The first result, called IO1
(Outcome Intelectual 1), is a comprehensive good practice guide on public speaking. The result of the joint work of experts from each
participating country, this guide provides valuable tips, techniques and strategies to help speakers captivate their audience, structure
their speech convincingly and effectively manage stage fright. Available free of charge online, this guide is a valuable resource for
those interested in developing their public speaking skills.
The second output, IO2, is an interactive online platform containing an extensive collection of educational videos. Designed to be
accessible to all, this platform offers users the opportunity to learn at their own pace. The videos cover various aspects of public
speaking, from preparing the speech to mastering gestures and voice. Through this platform, users can learn practical skills by
drawing inspiration from renowned experts and putting into practice the techniques taught.
The third result, IO3, is a revolutionary virtual reality (VR) application. Designed to help speakers overcome the stress and anxiety
associated with public speaking, this app offers a unique immersive experience. Through realistic virtual environments and
interactive simulations, users can practice speaking in front of a virtual audience, helping them gain confidence and improve their
communication skills. This VR application, available for free download, is a real asset for those who wish to prepare effectively for
the challenges of public speaking.
Tony Kohhiba, project coordinator for the PARAGRAF International France structure, expresses his satisfaction with the results
obtained: “The project has been an enriching experience for all participants and we now hope to benefit as many people as possible”.
All the tools are now available free of charge and in 6 languages on the project website: