
The Digital Age: Connecting Tradition and Technology

Digital Age

In the digital age in which we live, recent technology, such as the internet and methods of communication, has led to an embrace of traditions due to the ease with which they can be met.

Technology can be a means of innovation, preservation, education and accessibility for tradition, culture and religion. Technology can also make the tradition easier and has ensured the preservation of traditions for centuries.

What is Tradition?

Tradition refers to the beliefs, customs and practices that are passed down through generations to preserve a culture or practice. To many, traditions are important to preserve, but they may evolve over time to adapt to the time in which they are. Some traditions may fade away, perhaps in a family or in a whole community, while others may begin and flourish.

Ultimately, traditions can connect people as communities and societies, and hence are important.

What is the difference between culture and tradition? Find out here.

Examples of Traditions

There are so many traditions within families, communities, religions and cultures, and here are some of them: Some are religious or cultural, while others are family based.

  • Ramadan

  • Eid

  • Christmas

  • Carnival

  • Diwali

  • Easter Egg Hunt

  • Chinese New Year

  • Shabbat

  • Mass

  • Baptism

  • Games night

  • Movie night

  • Annual family photo

  • Birthday traditions – e.g., a cake with candles or a crown

Want some ideas to start your own family tradition? Read here.

What is Technology?

Technology means all the software, devices and digital tools that make things easier and more efficient. For example, mobile phones allow us to connect with people far away, laptops allow us to work from anywhere, and Wi-Fi makes using devices easier and more accessible.

Some Examples of Technology

  • Smartphone

  • PC

  • Wi-Fi

  • Internet

  • E-Commerce

  • GPS

  • Voice assistants like Siri

  • Online payment systems

However, there are risks and cons to using technology. Below are just a few:

  • Risks of security and privacy

  • Easy to forget passwords

  • Hacking

  • Scams

  • Addiction

  • Health issues

  • Cyber-bullying

  • Other cyber-related crimes

  • Technical issues

How are They Related?

How are tradition and technology related? Well, technology can enhance traditions and make them more accessible.

For example, the tradition of giving to charity becomes easier with online payment methods, and the tradition of Christmas becomes easier with options to buy gifts on websites.

The tradition of making a birthday cake becomes easier with online recipes or E-Books, and the tradition of taking an annual photo may become easier with the ability to book a professional photographer over social media. These are just some examples of how technology helps tradition to stay alive, even if it has been modified and is different from previous generations.

Islam and Qurbani

Another significant example of how technology has revolutionised the ability to keep up traditions is Qurbani. In Islam, Qurbani is the sacrificing of an animal to share the meat with the poor. With the technology of today, such as the internet and online payment methods, Muslims all around the world can give their Qurbani meat to those in poorer countries to help others in need.

Christianity and Christmas

Another example is how Christmas has become a larger societal celebration, even for those who are not practicing Christians. This is because technology such as social media has allowed people to connect and share their celebrations through photos, videos, and messages. In addition, online shopping has affected Christmas too by making it easier to celebrate with gifts that can be delivered to your door!

These examples show that the digital age in which we currently live easily allows tradition to be upheld through the use of technology. With new technology being created all the time, traditions should be upheld and never dismissed or forgotten again.

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