Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries can have significant and long-lasting effects on those who suffer them, particularly those acquired after a hoisting accident. These injuries can range from mild to severe, with devastating consequences. If you or a loved one has suffered any TBI after a hoisting accident, it is crucial to seek the help of a hoisting accident lawyer. Their expertise in this area can make all the difference as they work to provide the compensation you need for medical expenses and other costs associated with your injury. A hoisting accident lawyer will also ensure you are not taken advantage of by employers or insurance companies. In short, they are an invaluable asset in protecting your rights and pushing for restitution should your injury result from someone else’s negligence.
Crushed Limbs
Hoisting accidents can be devastating, leaving workers with severe injuries. Many of these unfortunate events end in either crushed or amputated limbs for the victim. It is a tragic reminder of how quickly an accident can occur and dramatically change a life forever. The workers involved often face weeks, even months, of recovery time. In most cases, they will never be able to return to their job and may be left with permanent disabilities that affect every aspect of their lives. Companies need to ensure the safety of their employees by adhering to proper safety measures and using the best possible equipment available.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Hoisting accidents can create incidents in which the back or spinal cord is severely damaged. Permanent damage is a potential outcome of these events and can be life-altering. It is estimated that 25% of hoisting accidents cause catastrophic to moderate back injuries, leaving the injured person with long-term health implications. People should always safely work when engaging in hoisting activities, as there is a very real risk of injury. Utilizing the proper safety protocols and taking specific measures to ensure the equipment is set up properly are essential components for reducing the risk associated with these activities.
Torn Ligaments
Unfortunately, torn ligaments after a hoisting accident are all too common. Even with the best safety procedures, heavy lifting and moving can potentially lead to catastrophic results. A torn ligament can range from mild to severe, with the more severe cases necessitating surgery and long recovery times. Rehabilitation of the affected joint must be undertaken to restore mobility and strength. This process takes time, with careful attention paid to ensuring healthy practices for the long term—everything from a well-balanced diet to physical therapy exercises. Unfortunately, many hoisting accidents can cause irreparable damage and deformity that may last a lifetime without proper rehabilitation and supportive care post-accident.
Hoisting accidents can have life-altering consequences, and one of the most common is the onset of partial or complete paralysis. Irreversible nerve damage in the spinal cord following a hoisting accident can lead to loss of movement in any or all limbs and cause significant disruption to an individual’s daily routine. Steps should be taken to ensure that workplace hoists are properly inspected, operated under safe conditions and fitted with appropriate safety features such as locks, brakes and guards to help prevent such tragic outcomes.