To be able to completely get rid of the unnecessary issues being experienced in clinical operations, and achieve accuracy and efficiency, while becoming extremely profitable in the long run, is the major priority of every single stakeholder within the healthcare supply chain.
This is why Synthium Health has come with a revolutionary platform that is blockchain-based and built to assist healthcare providers like distributors, GPOs (Group Purchase Organisations), and manufacturers in maintaining exact capture revenue and product data and achieving accuracy during purchases.
The Synthium Health Platform
Right from the processes involved in sourcing, settlement, to the leveraging of intelligence in order to make better decisions, the Synthium Health platform makes use of innovative technologies and the best techniques in the e-commerce sector in maximizing healthcare business revenues.
Anything that would cause a reduction in the cost of operations is one of the major aims of many sectors of the world economy and the supply chain of the healthcare sector is not left out. These operations cause an unnecessary increase in the price of drugs, surgical instruments, and other healthcare products. And, with the increase in the complexity of marketing medical devices, healthcare companies can only match market demands if they expand their portfolios.
The Synthium Health Platform revolutionises the healthcare supply chain and provides an innovative marketplace that builds an ecosystem for providers and suppliers of healthcare products. Here they can make exchanges in a more efficient, simplified and cost-effective way.
Major Aims of the Synthium Health Platform
Yes, the major goal behind the formation of the Synthium Health Platform is to revolutionise the healthcare supply chain, but how?
- Create Efficiencies
The platform will boost the processes involved in supply chain by incorporating automation and synchronization, which eliminates the involvement of manual work.
- Optimize and Simplify
The Synthium Health platform will transact, engage, and align with trading partners on its all-cloud channel which would simplify the business-to-business supply chain experience
- Digitize
Synthium Health transforms the way people make use of smart technologies, whether on their couch at home or on the move, and this builds agility.
The Synthium Health Token and ICO
Being blockchain-based, the Synthium Health platform uses the SHP token in registering accounts and also fuelling a secondary market on its platform where exchanges are carried out without the need for fiat currencies.
The platform’s ICO journey started with a crowdfunding event where SHP tokens were purchased and made available on various cryptocurrency exchanges. 15% of the total tokens purchased during this time was placed on reserve for current and future employees of the platform and also for business advisors.
The crowdfunding event was followed by the ICO period which began on November 27, 2017, and continued till February 28, 2018, during which there was a total supply of 1 billion SHP placed at 1 SHP = $0.65. This was followed by the implementation of the Blockchain technology and the enhancement of marketing and sales efforts, and the platform’s center capabilities on March 15.
What Next?
Synthium Health plans to acquire synergistic companies starting from June 1, and by July 1 it will develop a guided navigation engine that will help in comparing product functionalities and features across multiple models and suppliers.
The complexities of the healthcare supply chain are becoming a thing of the past because of the introduction of the Synthium Health platform, and with the SHP token, people around the world can become a part of this revolution.