One of the challenges of trying to start a business from scratch is dealing with risk. There is no way to know ahead of time if an idea will actually be profitable or not, and while predictions and forecasts can be helpful, they do not offer a guarantee of success.
In the real world, entrepreneurs who have enough experience and funding have an easy way to reduce that risk. They can just buy a successful business instead. And as such, it should come as no surprise that online entrepreneurs often look to do the same thing.
Successful websites and online businesses are often bought and sold. However, the nature of an online business can make it difficult for both parties to verify the information and assess the value of different assets. And that’s where Store Coach comes in.
Founded in 2010, Store Coach is a family-owned business that specializes in a variety of eCommerce-related services. The company can trace its roots to when its co-founder brothers — Dave and Kevin Hermansen — started their first online store back in 2003.
This was the start of a 7-year-long career where the two — later joined by their younger brother Mike — built, bought, and sold several successful eCommerce websites. They’ve built over 180 online stores over the years, several of which they still operate to this day.
In 2010, the team launched Store Coach to both spread their knowledge among other online entrepreneurs and help those looking to buy and sell online stores.
The Store Coach team works to achieve the latter through their eCommerce marketplace, which has features in place to help both those looking to sell a store and those looking to buy an eCommerce business.
On the buyer side, the marketplace offers verified listings that contain all the information an entrepreneur needs to figure out how valuable an online store is. This is important; as mentioned, there are many ways to mess with the numbers to try and make an online business look more profitable than it is.
Any stores available for sale on the Store Coach website have been audited and evaluated by the Store Coach team, who vouches for the information available on the marketplace listing. That’s an extra layer of safety that is hard to find on other online store marketplaces.
On the seller side, Store Coach gives business owners access to an audience of potential buyers. Store Coach also offers free business evaluations, and their reputation helps boost the chances of a successful sale. According to the company’s website, the Store Coach Marketplace has a 92% success rate selling online stores.
As mentioned, the marketplace isn’t all that Store Coach has to offer. The company has also created a wealth of resources for those looking to get into eCommerce. This includes a variety of free and paid training courses, as well as articles, guides, blog posts, and more. They also have content and services aimed at helping store owners improve the success of their online business.