Systems administrators and computer users alike need to be vigilant about online threats. While a strong security suite like Segurazo can help to reduce vulnerability to these threats, it is necessary to stay vigilant to protect your computer and your personal information.
Here are the top 5 online threats in the world today, along with suggestions about how to protect yourself and your company from harm.
1) Phishing
Even employees at large companies can be vulnerable to phishing attacks. In the past year, phishing and spear-phishing attacks have only become more convincing and sophisticated. In a phishing attack, emails or websites spoof established companies and draw the user into entering their personal information. These emails often come in the form of “security alerts” from a bank or an online service like iCloud. They lead the user into entering their identifying information including user IDs, passwords, bank accounts, and Social Security numbers.
This stolen information can be used for identity theft or to siphon money from a bank account. While phishing schemes may be obvious to savvy employees, the less technically knowledgeable employee will always be vulnerable. Employees need to be trained to recognize phishing emails and to check with the IT department before clicking on anything suspicious.
To minimize damage from phishing, make sure that employees are not using the same password for a variety of services. Change passwords frequently.
2) Man-in-the-middle Attacks
A new and sophisticated threat to online security is the man-in-the-middle (MIIM) attack. Users must be extremely cautious about the software they download. If virus software is not kept up to date, it would not catch this problem because the threats are always evolving. MIIM attacks are often caused by software installed during a phishing attack. The software sends your information to its own server. It is a seamless experience for the user, so there is no overt sign that anything is amiss.
To avoid these problems, make sure that your virus software is up to date and that your employees are well-trained against phishing.
3) Bitcoin Attacks
When cybercriminals hold a system hostage, they often demand payment in the form of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin attacks are particularly vicious since the currency is not recoverable in the way that banking transactions are. The system does not have very many inherent regulations and it is easy to be scammed. Frequently, Bitcoin scammers will use variations of established web addresses to encourage users to trust them.
Again, proper employee training is a must when avoiding Bitcoin scams. People need to be told about Bitcoin scammers and understand the risks inherent with this cryptocurrency.
4) Physical Security
Internet users need to be extremely careful with whom they share their personal information. Criminals can use online accounts to target their place of work or home address. They can easily learn information about your home, children, pets, and other possible security vulnerabilities. Wealthy people are targeted the most frequently in these scams, but anyone can fall prey to them. If a criminal finds out enough information about you, they will be able to impersonate you online and possibly take over your social media and financial accounts.
5) Ransomware
While this problem has existed for several years, the scams are becoming more and more sophisticated. Ransomware is downloaded during phishing scams or when clicking on suspicious links or advertisements. It locks people out of their computers until a ransom is paid, most often with the ecurrency Bitcoin. It is best to never pay these scammers. Instead, make sure that you are making complete backups of all of your information so that you can easily restore your system.
Protect Your Connections
Watch out for these security threats. Any one of them can cause harm to your computer, your financial life, and your social media presence. A high-quality security program like Segurazo will go a long way toward ensuring the safety of your computers and online accounts, but users need to be wary of threats that may evade detection by security software.