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Save Your Lives: Better Be Educated in Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation

If you have been disabled due to a workplace injury accident, you should have known that you have the right to benefits from your insurance company. Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C.’s guide to Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation will help you provide knowledge on how to claim your benefits based on your evaluation. They have been working on such cases for over 20 years and will ensure that they defend your rights. 

In this article, we will discover about the Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation and what the advantages of taking this evaluation are for you. Here is a guide to learning more about Workers Compensation IRE:

Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation

It is an assessment used to identify the level of disability or employment of an employee regarding their experience of a work-injury accident. Since, workplace accidents can happen and it would lead to risking life or sometimes lead to more serious injury that can impede your function in life. The purpose of this evaluation is to know your percentage of disability to gather more benefits, but it is a process. 

Now that we have defined the meaning of the Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation, we can now tackle the benefits of having this evaluation. Here are the key benefits:

Objective Measurement of Injury

This step will determine the objective of the extent of injury to avoid subjective interpretations by a responsible officer or authority in assessing the IRE of a worker. They should have statistics or data to prove the extent of the injury to the patient in assessing their compensation. 

Determination of Benefits 

This is to verify the benefits of the worker who is involved in the workplace accident to the extent that they determine their benefits according to the extent of injury. For example, a patient with a patient with a higher impairment rating may have increased or extended benefits, while a lower impairment rating will mean a shorter duration of benefits.

Guidance for Future Care

In this evaluation, they will have support resources to administer their benefits, like healthcare providers, employers, etc., to help you with your potential health care or medical care. Thus, this will be significant as you have your contact in case you are struggling at work and may not be able to work since you have an injury. 

Cost Management

By providing a clear assessment of your IRE, this would help you to have a cost that is fair for you. This would give you compensation if you are unable to work in your job, as they would cover your expenses and your medical bill and maintenance. 


In summary, it is really important to have a Workers Compensation Impairment Rating Evaluation to know your benefits that will save you money when you do not have money because you have an injury or disability that prevents you from working normally. This will save you and your family money to cover your medical bills and house expenses. Moreover, it is better to have a lawyer by your side to process the IRE for you, and you will know what you will do. 

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