Electric car and vehicles (EVs) are becoming popular across the globe. Their sales numbers are only increasing with each passing year. More and more people are becoming comfortable with the idea of driving EVs these days.
However, EVs are not easy to maintain. One of the most difficult challenges of maintaining an electric car is making sure that it’s charging safely and properly.
In this article for electric owners, we’ll share a few tips on how to ensure that your car is charging safely.
First, Make Sure the Batteries’ Dimensions are Precise
The lithium-ion batteries in your EV should come from a reputed manufacturer that uses precision laser processing technology to accurately craft the batteries into the set dimensions. The use of the term ‘craft’ might seem like an overkill here, but when EVs are involved, the batteries they use might as well be a work of art.
No random laser machine or laser tools can be used to manufacture these batteries. They must be made using a laser processing machine that can accurately give the battery its shape.
Laser manufacturers build laser machines that are specifically used in lithium-ion battery plants. Make sure the batteries used in your electric car have been manufactured using similar industrial lasers.
That way, you can rest assured that the batteries are fitted into the car without adding even an extra pound of weight and causing little to no deviation from the car’s center of gravity (based on which the batteries are placed inside the car).
Accurate dimensions also mean that your car will hold the exact amount of charge as advertised by the manufacturer.
Choose a Reputable Charging Station
While charging your EV, you must always opt for a reputable charging station. It doesn’t mean that the station in question has to be a famous one or owned by a famous personality. It just needs to be known around the area for having safe and well-maintained charging ports and equipment that are operated by following all the necessary safety standards.
The charging station should have the latest equipment as they are more efficient and usually safer. It should also be certified by concerned authorities or organizations like the Electric Vehicle Charge Station (EVCS) certification program or the ENERGY STAR certification program by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Choosing a reputable charging station reduces the risk of any safety hazards or damage to your EV or its internal batteries, circuitry, mechanics, etc.
Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions
There are different types of electric cars and vehicles, with the mechanics varying greatly from one EV to another. That’s why each EV model will have charging instructions provided by its manufacturer that are specific to that EV only. Therefore, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions when charging your EV.
The instructions can be very detailed, or they can simply tell you things you should avoid when charging the vehicle. They will mostly show you how to connect the cable to your car, how many volts maximum the charging port can let out, how to check if your car is charging or not, how to avoid overcharging, how long it might take to fully charge your car, and so on. There will also be additional safety instructions as well as instructions on what you should do if there’s an emergency.
Following these instructions is vital. Unless you do so, you’re exposing your vehicle and yourself to unwanted accidents and damages.
Avoid Charging in Extreme Temperatures
Charging an EV in harsh temperatures can hamper the charging process. Not to mention, there’s also a chance that it can damage the car’s battery.
When you’re charging a battery in extremely hot conditions, the battery is likely to overheat. That, in turn, will permanently damage the battery by either disrupting its chemical concentrations or by simply burning up its anodes and cathodes.
On the other hand, if you’re charging the EV in extremely cold conditions, you might end up reducing the battery’s capacity. That means the car’s battery might not perform as well as it should because it’s being drained out of its charge rapidly.
Therefore, you must avoid these situations at all costs. Never charge your car outside when the weather is too extreme. Instead, bring it inside a garage or a closed-off area where the weather can’t force itself onto your car, and then charge it over there. Doing so will help you ensure that your car’s battery stays healthy and gives you a longer service life.
Don’t Overcharge Your Battery
Even a single incident of overcharging your car’s batteries can ruin them forever. In an EV, that sort of damage is irreversible, meaning you have to spend a ton of money to replace all those batteries.
Overcharging leads to disruption in the flow of charges in your car’s battery. That, in turn, will cause the battery to underperform. At one point, the entire set of batteries might fail because of overcharging.
Modern EV batteries are built with features that prevent overcharging. Even then, you should take the necessary precautions to avoid such an incident.
Check the Condition of Your Charging Cable
Look for cracks, frays, or other types of damage on your charging cable. If such damages exist on it, it’s best to replace it entirely. Don’t make the mistake of simply taping it up and using it again. That’s a safety hazard you must avoid.
That’s all for this post. By following these tips, you can make sure that your electric vehicle is charging safely and properly.