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Rapper BRUNO_OFFII a.k.a Denis Putilin tends to look more charming in his new look after his hair transplantation surgery

Beauty is one of the most important parts of any human’s life. Everyone during their daily routine loves to take care of the way they look and serve. Surgeries with the introduction of new methods to enhance beauty are successfully changing human life these days. Nowadays, artists from different parts of the world are using numerous hairstyles to look good. Many people even hire different individuals to take care of their beauty. On the same end, people in recent eras have suffered from major health problems and hair loss. But, hair transplantation surgery being one of the tested surgeries prevented the loss of hair and saved many careers. One of the renowned musicians BRUNO_OFFII a.k.a Denis Putilin also faced a major hair loss last year.

Putilin while in his interview told the media about his young days. He mentioned that he never had any kind of hair issues. He had very good hair with a bit of curl. The happiness slowly started turning into sadness with the arrival of hair loss. On one end there were people around him who used to tell him he had started looking different due to the loss of hair. Also, some were still there and loved his look after the hair loss. After noticing a major hair loss, the rapper got worried about his looks as the new album shoot, award shows and meetings were about to arrive. In December 2021, Denis Putilin could not see himself fighting with the early baldness problem and finally decided to quickly get the hair transplantation done. Bruno during his recent interviews did not hide anything about his hair loss problems. He, being a man with a clean heart, wanted to tell his audience about each and everything he was facing in his personal life.


“My bald patches are genetics but I pushed it (baldness).  Last year, when I used to live in London, I was not able to follow any healthy diet or sleep routine due to tight schedules. This became the major reason behind hair loss. I tried many methods and the only way I could get my hair back was the hair transplantation surgery” said Bruno Offii.


After the hair transplantation surgery was successful, the changes were not too much visible. He started taking care of his health and sleep with a better daily routine. This brought positive changes to the artist’s life. This became the time when hair growth was noticeable. Denis decided to show the amazing results to his fans after treating himself well. Bruno even claimed that his family was satisfied with the transplantation and the rapper got back his good looks.

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