Press Release

RAcoin: An Innovative Cryptocurrency that is set to Change the Betting Platform

RA Entertainment Inc. is a tech-savvy company that is focused on the creation of various advanced user experiences that will help drive the gambling landscape. The focus of the company is the creation and delivering of effective and economical solutions that will meet the needs of both online and offline gamblers at various levels.

Enter: RAcoin

RAcoin is a cryptocurrency that is powered by Ethereum smart contracts. Created and developed by RA Entertainment, it is also a pure utility token that is in compliance with the ERC20 standard. Holders of the RAcoin token can make use of it to pay for booth goods and services as the Palau World Hotel and Casino as well as other hotels and casinos that will be partnering with RA Entertainment in the future. Also, it is possible to use RAcoin as an alternative means of payment on various gambling and betting platforms online

RAcoin has a simple primary mission:

“To seamlessly integrate the advantages of blockchain technology into the traditional gambling world and to reach an audience that is large enough to enable the distribution of RAcoin as a certified and tradable cryptocurrency”

RA Entertainment has announced that the first place where the use of RAcoin will be for traditional payments will be Palau World; a luxury casino and hotel that will be built by the company on Palau Island. The building of this structure is expected to begin around the end of 2018. However, there are also plans being put in motion by the company to partner with various organizations and increase their network, all with the aim of having at least 10 casinos and hotels that will accept RAcoin as a means of payment before the end of the 2019 calendar year.

The advantages that you stand from making use of RAcoin include the following and much more:

Offline use

Jackpot participation

With RAcoin, you will have the opportunity to participate in various jackpots that have been implemented by the RAcoin smart contracts and earn even more

Access to exclusive services

As part of an effort to incentivize the people, RA Entertainment have made certain services free and exclusive to those who own the RAcoin token.

Easy and advantageous payments

With RAcoin, you will be able to make payments for basically everything casino-related. You can pay for goods and services (including but not limited to casino chips) and even enjoy some awesome discounts on your purchases as well.  

Online use


One of the most coveted characteristics of online gambling are anonymity. With RAcoin, you get to enjoy that. You are free to make changes to your identity and mask yourself from people in the outside world, and that will make for an even more enjoyable gaming experience


You get full and complete control of a lot of aspects of your gambling, and RAcoin is highly effective at handling transactions as well. RAcoin is powered by the Ethereum smart contracts, and this makes it able to solve the problem of transaction transparency and security.

Lower fees

With the RAcoin, you get to enjoy much lower fees on money withdrawal.

Gambling is about to become a lot more fun… thanks to RAcoin!


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