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qbrobotics at ICRA 2022 launches the new qb SoftHand2 Research

ICRA 2022, the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, which was attended by the Italian company qbrobotics, has just ended. 

Qbrobotics produces soft robotics devices dedicated to both Research and Industry. The vocation of qbrobotics towards Research and Development has led to use the qb SoftHand Research in various European Research Projects and/or for corporate R&D departments.

On the occasion of ICRA 2022, qbrobotics has launched the qb SoftHand

qb SoftHand2 Research: the stronger, smarter and more versatile evolution of qb SoftHand Research

The qb SoftHand2 Research is an anthropomorphic robotic hand reproducing in 1:1 scale the size of human hand with 19 disclosable self-healing finger joints. Based on soft-robotics technology, it is adaptable and robust, showing an unparalleled level of simplicity and flexibility, exploiting the principles of synergies in a simple and intrinsically intelligent design.

The distinctive features of the qb SoftHand2 Research:

  • In-hand manipulation that widely increases the applications in R&Dtesting and human interaction fields.
  • Precise pinch grasp to accurately interact with little objects.
  • Index feature, very useful feature for operating on interfaces commonly used in everyday life.
  • Higher strength that ensures a firmer grip on the object.

A new device that allows to more faithfully replicate the human hand.

For further technical information on qb SoftHand2 Research: Click Here

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