PrivacySharks has grown over the years to become one of the most sought-after VPN services resources, thanks to a variety of solutions carefully designed to meet the growing and diverse needs of clients. The company’s solutions have become popular in recent times due to the increasing rate of cyber-attacks and censorship, as PrivacySharks proves to be the go-to source for unbiased assessment of VPN companies and their services.
Internet security has remained a popular topic of discussion in recent times. The internet has been described by many as the best thing since sliced bread. However, staying online can be sometimes stressful, especially in an environment with strict monitoring and restriction as well as increasing privacy risk. Such measures are often put in place for several reasons, such as data protection and security of information from hackers and other unauthorized parties. However, cyber restrictions have made it difficult for people to access some beneficial sites freely. Despite the emergence of a plethora of software companies and VPN solutions to ease the process of navigating through otherwise restricted pages, the problem continues to linger. However, the team at PrivacySharks has dedicated their resources to ease the process of getting the most suitable VPN and online security solutions by assessing different services and detailing their features, pros, and cons.
Cybersecurity Stats and Trends for 2021
Recent trends, side effects of a global pandemic, and cybersecurity statistics have revealed a huge increase in the incidence of cyber hacking and data breach from sources that are increasingly common in the workplace, such as mobile and IoT devices. The COVID-19, which has led to an increase in remote workforces, has paved the way for more cyber attacks.
According to a recent report published by Cybint, 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error, with Proofpoint stating that 88% of businesses across the globe experienced spear-phishing attempts in 2019. Other recent trends and statistics as regards internet security are highlighted as follows:
- The worldwide information security market will reach $170.4 billion in 2022.
- 68% of business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are on the rise.
- Only 5% of companies’ folders are properly protected.
- 36 billion records were exposed due to data breaches in the first half of 2020.
- 86% of breaches were induced by financial motives, with 10% motivated by espionage.
- 45% of breaches were hacking, with 17% involving malware and 22% attributed to phishing.
- 11,762 recorded breaches occurred between January 1, 2005, and May 31, 2020.
- .doc and .dot ranked as the top malicious email attachment types, making up 37%, the next highest being .exe at 19.5%.
- Humans and machines worldwide used an estimated 300 billion passwords.
Considering the growing internet security market and the increasing number of service providers, getting the right solution can be a daunting task. It gets even more interesting with the services either exorbitantly priced or failing to deliver as claimed, which is where PrivacySharks has been of immense help in recent times.
For more information about PrivacySharks and the solutions offered, visit – PrivacySharks can also be found across several social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.
About PrivacySharks
PrivacySharks is an online resource designed to provide internet users with reviews about the most popular VPN, antivirus, email protection, and password managers. The user-friendliness of the platform and the comprehensiveness of the content have endeared PrivacySharks to millions of internet users worldwide.