
Payam Toobian Discusses Importance of Quality Assurance in Medicine

Payam Toobian

Quality assurance enhances doctor-patient interactions, modern hospital operations and medical device manufacturing, resulting in better treatment for patients. Concepts such as continuous improvement and quality management have the power to reduce waste and improve product or service quality. When looking at patient care more closely, it becomes evident why quality matters.

Customer Focus

 Dr. Payam Toobian focuses on his customers when providing medical care. Having this focus is critical because it makes a difference in the quality of patient treatment. When focusing on the customer, the quality-of-life patient’s experience can improve. For example, pain management is a patient-specific issue, and tailoring solutions to patients can change the dynamics and effectiveness of medical care. Focusing on the customer is a guiding principle in quality assurance.

Customer Experience

 As a patient, the customer experience matters especially when it comes to doctor-patient interactions. While it’s important for medical offices to function efficiently and effectively, it’s also critical to treat patients warmly and give them enough time with the doctor for a thorough consultation or examination. Dr. Payam Toobian focuses on the customer experience, striving to make each office visit as comfortable and positive as possible. Payam Toobian avoids treating patients like they are on a conveyor belt.

 Removing Waste

 Dr. Payam Toobian notes the reduction of waste in medical offices is critical for quality and positive outcomes for patients. Processes such as appointment setting, document retention, front desk check-in, and communication with other medical professionals are critical to care. Overprocessing, delays, duplication of efforts and other types of waste should be eliminated whenever possible. Statistical process control, the removal of defects within processes and waste reduction are fundamental in quality assurance.

Quality Management

 Managing quality in hospitals or private practices requires a systematic approach. Standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management systems help medical practitioners design effective systems to manage quality and improve patient care. Many hospitals use ISO 9001 compliant systems to find and correct deficient processes. Whether its documenting processes, conducting quality audits or creating a quality manual, the different components in a quality management system can improve patient care.

Continuous Learning

Dr. Payam Toobian believes in continuous learning and developing new skills to improve patient care. Medicine is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay abreast of the latest developments in the industry to help patients. In quality assurance, continuous process improvement and learning are integral for delivering value to customers and stakeholders. Payam Toobian is always looking to improve patient care and treatment options.

To learn more about quality assurance in medicine and neurosurgery, please contact Dr. Payam Toobian today. Efficient and effective patient care combined with personalized service can change treatment outcomes and make medical conditions easier to manage.

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