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A common trend that we can notice is that parents are turning to crypto investments as a means of savings. The parents of college-goers are admitting that they are switching to cryptocurrency to gather savings for their children’s education.
Though the market of cryptocurrency is facing a tough time in growth. people are still showing high interest in crypto investments. If people can use it in several other activities, then saving for college educational expenses cannot be an exception.
The Recent Reports On This News
Many top analysts and channels are preparing reports on this aspect. such a major report is that of CNBC. This report says that around 87 percent of parents are saving in digital assets for their children. In the report, we can find that most of the parents who save for their children’s college education are in the form of cryptocurrencies.
This report from CNBC includes a poll by, which is an online magazine. This poll was conducted on 1250 parents who had to reveal their choice of investment. In this report, they talk about several other ways in which parents are saving for their children in the crypto market. In this way, the parents are showing proper concern towards their kids without gambling away their assets.
The major aim of the report is to outline the fact that parents can use cryptocurrency in moderation. And they need to act with caution keeping in mind safety because this market is full of uncertainty.
The Views Of Experts In The Matter
Experts and analysts are showing interest in this matter. Ric Edelman, who is a financial advisor talks on this matter with CNBC. He says that parents will never want to gamble with their child’s competence and the ability for higher education by saving in such a risky business.
Rather, he suggests a more reasonable way of saving on these digital assets. He talks about a combination of investments along with cryptocurrencies. According to his advice, you should have cryptocurrency in your investments as a means of expanding your portfolio. These digital currencies should have a part of 1-5 percent in your portfolio.
As a major source of investments for savings, cryptocurrency should never be the priority factor. It should have minimal exposure for the parents.
CEO of CoinFlip, Ben Weiss says that the parents who are saving for their child in the Crypto market should be very careful. They should consider the time horizon of their child’s college during the creation of a saving strategy for the similar.
If the children are about to start college soon, parents should avoid Cryptocurrency investments for such a short time. And for the students who have a long period of their college, their parents may get more aggressive with the savings strategy.
Also, the CNBC report provides a warning for the parents informing them about the tax liabilities. On cashing out the entire amount of the investments, they may face huge tax liabilities. This may prove to be an adverse effect on their investments in the cryptocurrency market.
Instead of being beneficial, it will prove to be more expensive to bear the educational expenses with this amount. As a parent, you need to keep these factors in mind if you are thinking of investing in cryptocurrencies for your child.
The cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainty and volatile situations. for your child’s college expenses, you may carry on with crypto investments. But, this should be in a minimal amount along with other investment options. because, on cashing out, you may face huge tax liabilities and the entire market is full of risks.
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Disclaimer:Â This is sponsored marketing content. The presented material by no means represents any financial advice or promotion. Be sure to do your own research and acknowledge the possible risks before using the service of any cryptocurrency platform.