
Overwhelming Information on Job market and Workforce trends exists on the Internet

The Internet contains a wealth of information on workforce trends and the job market. Some of this information can prove very helpful when you are organizing your job search. Here are some good starting points.

How will students fare in this year’s class?

Will they write off or not, will they have a request: do my homework accounting or not. The Collegiate Research Employment Institute of Michigan State University conducts an extensive inquiry of employers who hire university graduates. Based on responses from over five thousand employers, the annual study predicts what job market will be faced by graduates. This includes small businesses, start-ups, government agencies, and school districts. The report includes information on tendencies in recruitment practice as well as forces that affect the labor market.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers produces regular reports on labor market trends. These reports are based on surveys that were conducted with their nine thousand university and employer members. NACE recently began collecting data from students at institutes across the country to create a national snapshot on college after-graduation outcomes.

What are the job trends that will affect university students?

The Center for Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University study the relationship between education, job competency, and labor pool needs. The reports can be divided into three categories: Skills, People, and Jobs. The Center’s website has all reports available for download.

Which jobs are most likely to grow in the future?

The Occupational Handbook, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is an online resource that covers hundreds of jobs across the spectrum of the labor market. Each profile contains information about the job outlook and earning potential for the occupation. A section is also available on the site about the fastest-growing occupations.

Which jobs are most in-demand for Maryland grads?

Computer Science, High Tech, and IT. There is a steady increase in demand for computer-skilled graduates due to the “digitization” of everything. Students at the University of Maryland are eligible for competitive recruitment in programming, information technology administration, web design, and software development positions.

Engineering. The demand for engineering jobs is steady. Electrical, chemical, and computer engineering are the most in-demand. Aerospace and mechanical recruiting are also strong due to NASA’s proximity and other prominent defense industry companies.

Intellect, fence, National insurance, and overseas Affairs. The intellect, fence, and diplomacy communities are located in Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the American Department of State, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency are all frequent recruiters. Career Shuttles allow students to visit the World Bank, Institute for Defense Analyses, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The University of Maryland is also home to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.

Public Sector. Because of its proximity to Washington DC, Annapolis, and Baltimore, the University of Maryland offers many opportunities for UMD graduates in both federal and state agencies. There are many opportunities for UMD graduates in the US Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, Treasury, Energy, Agriculture, Education, and other agencies. Each year, graduates report that they have converted internships into full-time jobs on Capitol Hill. On-campus, the Smithsonian Institution also actively recruits.

Healthcare. Many UMD graduates go on to pursue advanced degrees in healthcare. These include doctor’s assistants and nurses, therapists as well as healthcare administration and public health education. Medical scribes are a rapidly-growing healthcare profession that charts physician-patient encounters in emergency rooms and examinations.

Accounting and Finance. These fields offer solid job opportunities for UMD students. Accounting agencies are among the top employers in Maryland, involving Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Ernst & Young. Major one is the most prominent financial institution that interviews on-campus. Many UMD graduates are also hired by consulting firms like Accenture or Booz Allen Hamilton.

Education. Maryland’s Education college graduates are highly represented in K-12 schools, especially in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County. The highest percentage of education graduates from UMD is placed among all majors.

Scientific Research. The National Institutions of Health, based in Bethesda, attracts many graduates to research positions.

Be aware Although it may seem like the best strategy to get a job is to obtain a degree that’s related to a high-demand occupation, trends change all the time. The future may be different from what is hot right now.

It is better to pursue jobs that match your true gifts and interests. Employers are attracted to candidates who are immersed in their job.

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