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Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile: Top Skills Employers Want to See

Are you wondering what the best skills to list on LinkedIn are? Having a strong set of skills on your LinkedIn profile can help you stand out to potential employers and showcase your expertise. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the best skills to include on your LinkedIn profile and provide tips for how to update your resume on LinkedIn to highlight them.

Why skills matter on LinkedIn

Skills are an important aspect of your LinkedIn profile because they help potential employers understand what you’re capable of and what sets you apart from other candidates. Including specific skills on your LinkedIn profile can help you:

  1. Increase your visibility: Many recruiters and hiring managers search LinkedIn for candidates with specific skills, so including them on your profile can help you show up in relevant search results.
  2. Demonstrate your expertise: Your skills section is an opportunity to showcase your strengths and highlight the areas in which you excel.
  3. Stand out from the crowd: Including a unique or in-demand skill on your profile can help you stand out from other candidates who may have similar backgrounds or experience.

Top Skills to List on LinkedIn

Now that you know why skills are important on LinkedIn, let’s take a look at some of the top skills to include on your profile:

  • Leadership: Demonstrating leadership skills on your LinkedIn profile can help you stand out as a strong candidate for management or executive positions. Examples of leadership skills include delegation, decision-making, and strategic planning.
  • Communication: Strong communication skills are a must-have for many roles, and including them on your profile can help you showcase your ability to effectively convey information, collaborate with others, and build relationships.
  • Time management: Time management is a valuable skill in any industry, and listing it on your LinkedIn profile can help you show potential employers that you’re capable of prioritizing tasks, meeting deadlines, and managing your workload effectively.
  • Analytical thinking: Analytical thinking involves the ability to gather and analyze data to make informed decisions. Including this skill on your profile can help you stand out as a candidate with a strategic mindset and a strong attention to detail.
  • Problem-solving: Problem-solving is a crucial skill in many industries, and listing it on your profile can help you demonstrate your ability to identify and address challenges in creative and effective ways.
  • Technical skills: Technical skills are becoming increasingly important in many industries, and listing them on your profile can help you show potential employers that you have the necessary technical knowledge to succeed in a given role. Examples of technical skills include programming languages, data analysis tools, and design software.
  • Creativity: Creativity is a valuable skill in many industries, particularly in roles that involve marketing, advertising, or product design. Including this skill on your profile can help you demonstrate your ability to come up with innovative solutions and think outside the box.

Tips for Highlighting your Skills on LinkedIn

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your skills section on LinkedIn:

  1. Be specific: Rather than simply listing a skill like “communication,” provide specific examples of how you’ve demonstrated that skill in previous roles or projects.
  2. Prioritize relevant skills: Focus on listing skills that are relevant to the types of roles you’re interested in, and prioritize those skills at the top of your profile.
  3. Use endorsements: Encourage your connections to endorse your skills on LinkedIn, which can help increase your credibility and visibility to potential employers.
  4. Update your skills regularly: As your skills and experience evolve, make sure to update your skills section on LinkedIn to reflect any new or relevant abilities.

How to Update your Resume on LinkedIn to Highlight your Skills

In addition to including a dedicated skills section on your LinkedIn profile, you can also highlight your skills on your resume by following these tips:

  1. Use bullet points. Rather than writing long paragraphs, use bullet points to highlight specific skills and accomplishments related to those skills.
  2. Use action verbs. Start each bullet point with a strong action verb (e.g., managed, created, analyzed) to make your accomplishments sound more impactful.
  3. Focus on results. Rather than simply listing your responsibilities, focus on the results you achieved using your skills (e.g., “Increased website traffic by 30% through targeted social media campaigns”).
  4. Customize your resume. Tailor your resume to each job you apply for by highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to that specific role.

In conclusion, including the right skills on your LinkedIn profile can help you stand out to potential employers and demonstrate your expertise in a given field. By following these tips and regularly updating your skills section and resume on LinkedIn, you can increase your visibility, showcase your strengths, and land your dream job. So go ahead and update your resume on LinkedIn to highlight your skills today!

About the Author

Karen Hampton

As a career coach with a specialization in LinkedIn Professional Writing Services (LPWS), she has extensive knowledge on how to maximize your career exposure on LinkedIn. She excels at crafting captivating LinkedIn profiles that highlight your skills, and can provide coaching on effective self-marketing strategies.

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