Nearly a century ago, television technology had developed to a point where people could afford it more and more. The time of silent movies was over and now moving pictures (although still black and white) carried sound. Organizations, small and large, were quick to realize the potential of selling services and products through this medium. Toothpastes, shoe polishes, toys, car repair services, legal counseling- anything and everything was being advertised on the television platform. Allama Iqbal Open University, one of the largest distant learning program in the world still uses television to broadcast its lectures to every part of the world for its students.
When the world of internet opened up, the same situation happened. There are thousands of websites today that offer paid video services, advising people, advertising products etc.
However, all this is still in disarray and independently of each other. ON.LIVE has the solution. The goal of this is to have a single platform where users can provide almost any service to anyone from anywhere and become a broadcaster. In this way, users earn money for presenting valuable content in various business models.
On.Live has combined three different models of video services in its platform:
- Live Services: this gives the user (such as lawyers, doctors, job seekers) ability to sell services to anyone who needs it. Live HD broadcasts can be done in real time with chat, billing and dedicated offers.
- Live Broadcasts: This service is designed for users to deliver broadcasts to viewers in pay per view or pay per minute format. This can be used for movies, workshops, e-learning setups.
- Transcoding: Being a decentralized service, On.Live requires nodes for transmitting and verifying data. Transcoding is a method in which streaming videos can have imbedded possibility of confirmation of transactions. You can transmitting videos and confirming transactions on the network at the same time.
The video streaming portal utilizes its own token for transaction of monetary value. Called the ONL, this token is on pre ICO sale right now. The token is ERC20 Ethereum standard compliant and utilizes the Ethereum ecosystem to run. Only a limited 12 million tokens are available in the pre ICO sale. After the pre ICO and ICO stage, all tokens that are not sold will be burnt. This is to combat any form of future inflation of the token on the platform.
The ON.LIVE takes on a very old concept and adapts it perfectly for the future.