Working at a nonprofit organization that you started can be a huge accomplishment. Growing this organization might be your ultimate goal so you can expand the good work being done. Technology can make it far less difficult on a small budget to grow a nonprofit. There are some skills that are going to be very valuable when it comes to growing your nonprofit. Hiring people with these skills can allow for growth in an organic way over the course of time. Below are some online skills and tactics to take with technology that will help you grow your nonprofit.
Social Media
Social media can be one of the best ways to promote content of any kind. The bonus aspect of this is that it is free to post on these platforms unless you decide to promote a post. The ability to edit photos and come up with captions that drive engagement is important. The right social media manager for a nonprofit can drive up follower numbers and engagement simultaneously.
Versatile Copywriting Skills
Copywriting is always going to be an important part of a nonprofit. The copywriting on the website should include keywords that are relevant to the nonprofit. The content that is created for a blog or offsite publications should be high quality. Generic content can be a waste of time and money for a nonprofit that might already have a limited marketing budget. Updating content on the website to make sure it is current is also very important. This includes hours of operation along with any other contact information that is relevant to volunteering, donating, or working at the organization.
Knowledge Of Nonprofit Accounting Technology
Understanding accounting for nonprofit organizations can be extremely valuable. Experience working with nonprofit accounting technology can be very important. The ability to utilize an Excel based accounting tool is an example of this. Transferring data manually can take hours when there is the technology that can automate the process. Keeping expenses organized will have to be a focus of the entire organization though. You do not want errors to occur that could put the status of your nonprofit in jeopardy.
Email And Newsletter Marketing
Email marketing with newsletters regularly can be very important. This can help donors and volunteers understand what direction the organization is taking. Staying in touch with valued volunteers and donors is extremely important. There should be contact throughout the year rather than just when it is time for a donation drive. Putting out a monthly newsletter along with a weekly email blast can be something that your organization finds works very well.
Digital marketing skills can be used for a nonprofit instead of spending money enlisting the help of a digital marketing agency. Most nonprofits simply do not have the budget to work with these agencies and have to handle marketing in-house.
Technology runs the world and should be an integral part of your nonprofit. Take the time to assess how technology is being used and how this can improve.