Artificial intelligence

OKI Launches AI Technology to Classify Ships Using Underwater Sounds


OKI has launched AI technology to classify ships using underwater sounds.

Takeaway Points

  • OKI has launched AI technology to classify ships using underwater sounds.
  • The newly developed ‘ship classification AI system technology’ uses deep learning, an AI technology, to automatically classify ships based on their underwater sounds.
  •  The firm applied certain processing techniques to enable classification through the use of only small amounts of learning data.

What did OKI Launch?

OKI said on Monday that it has developed ‘ship classification AI system technology’ for the automatic classification of ship types through deep learning of underwater sounds. This technology makes it possible to constantly and automatically acquire ship classification data, even in environments such as busy ports with high ship traffic and at night, when visual identification using cameras is difficult. Internal verification experiments by OKI have demonstrated that the system can classify ships with 90 percent or better accuracy, even with only small amounts of learning data extracted from ship sound data.

Yoichi Kato, Senior Executive Officer and Head of the TOKKI Systems Division, said, “Going forward, we will seek co-creation partners to gather field data and conduct practical verification with a view to commercializing this technology.”

About the developed ship classification

According to the report, the newly developed ‘ship classification AI system technology’ uses deep learning, an AI technology, to automatically classify ships based on their underwater sounds. This system technology creates deep learning models from sounds recorded by underwater microphones installed in the sea and then automatically classifies ships based on their frequency characteristics, and this allows classification of ships without relying on human skill levels. 

Verification result

OKI explained that it conducted verification using ship sound data it gathered. This time, the system achieved classification results with an accuracy of 90 percent or better, based on a deep learning model prepared using approximately four hours of ship sound data. Deep learning models typically require large amounts of learning data to accurately identify sound types. However, the amount of publicly available underwater sound data is limited, and preparing various ship sound information in advance poses significant challenges in terms of time and cost. 

OKI applied certain processing techniques to enable classification through the use of only small amounts of learning data. The challenges mentioned above were solved by data augmentation, which artificially creates variations for actual ship sound data, and semi-supervised learning, which trains the model using ship sound information from partial data. As a result, the system achieved an accuracy rate of 90 percent or better, even with small amounts of learning data, the report stated.

About Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (OKI)

Founded in 1881, OKI is Japan’s leading information and telecommunication manufacturer. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, OKI provides top-quality products, technologies, and solutions to customers through its Public Solutions, Enterprise Solutions, Component Products, and Electronics Manufacturing Services businesses. Its various business divisions function synergistically to bring to market exciting new products and technologies that meet a wide range of customer needs in various sectors. Visit OKI’s global website at

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