As the global usage of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and cryptocurrencies grows in our daily lives, many have thus wondered about what the next logical step for this booming industry could be. Orama seems to have the answer, and that is to utilize the benefits provided by AI (Artificial Technology) in order to further enhance what NFTs can do and how they can continue to benefit us.
Defining Orama
Orama can be thought of as a comprehensive solution for many aspects pertaining to NFTs. At its centre rests a powerful engine that employs cutting-edge AI technology such as GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) as well as CAN (Creative Adversarial Network), along with different versions to effectively build a large range of novel as well as unique artworks. Other key characteristics of Orama also include the most recent AI technology which has since reportedly been quite useful owing to the global increase in interest in this type of technology.
Orama has the most comprehensive built-in reference library yet, allowing it to construct the artistic collections that are ultimately minted as NFTs. Furthermore, ownerships can be freely traded as well as licenced on both the engine’s own chain along with the cross chain.
Furthermore, this is the first recorded instance of an AI existing wholly on a blockchain, highlighting Orama’s excellent quality and its general efficacy since it really is an engine which can be connected to several chains. This enables NFTs to be used in new and innovative ways, contributing to Orama’s uniqueness.
There are all kinds of useful features which can be utilized thanks to Orama. There is ‘Orama Bazaar’, ‘Orama Nexus’, ‘Orama Boutique’, ‘Orama Pictures’, ‘Orama Studio’, ‘Orama DAO’, ‘Dream Lab’, and ‘Orama Canvas’.
Orama Canvas in particular is an incredibly useful tool as it may be utilised with minimal effort by creative experts to efficiently develop different pieces of content, and it has been stated to considerably improve overall efficiency relating to design production and also conventional art procedures.
Additionally, users do not require any professional abilities to use Orama Canvas, and it is very user-friendly irrespective of a user’s skill level or general knowledge. Simply said, anyone may utilise Orama Canvas to design and produce various types of artwork, since the engine will perform all of the heavy lifting. Lastly, Orama Canvas may also be utilised in conjunction with other components of the Orama ecosystem.
After absorbing ‘datasets’ of different images, a GAN can be used to generate similar visual imagery. Orama is able to use this function to generate arts of differing types and styles by utilising computational frameworks that pit two neural networks against one another in order to create fresh, artificial instances of data which may pass for genuine data.
The following pictures therefore demonstrate Orama’s ability to generate art that is of high-quality and can be created with relative ease, all while retaining its value and overall aesthetic.
The environment of any given project is also frequently seen as being critical to its ultimate success. As a result, Orama is receiving a lot of interest not only for its capacity to merge AI technology with NFTs, but for its ecosystem as well.
Its users have access to a plethora of valuable applications and tools, like Orama Canvas, and may even spend ORM tokens to acquire NFTs, gain attractive rewards, and enjoy special services. Whether it’s one of the previously discussed apps or the experimental but interesting ‘Dream Lab,’ the truth remains that Orama has created an ecosystem in which users feel welcomed and valued. This is a trait that many other projects within this space have also gradually realized is incredibly important for the long-term. When it comes to Orama, the choices are practically infinite.
Overall view
Orama had successfully raised funding from a range of different investors in the previous year, as well as developed an internal prototype after a phase of concept prototyping, idea development and testing, which included establishing its feasibility. Orama intends to hold a token sale in the future, and also work on MVP deployment, engine development and blockchain integration.
Despite the fact that the project has much that it still wishes to achieve, Orama remains one of the most anticipated and sought after projects nowadays. Its distinct strategy paired with its ecosystem helps distinguish it from its competitors and enables it to provide something that helps everyone involved. Our world is becoming increasingly digitized and NFTs, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies will have a continuous role to play for the foreseeable future, and it is hence becoming increasingly evident that Orama needs to be on everyone’s radar going forward.