Circuits used in myriad of electronics and power systems have undergone some interesting innovations in the functionalities over the years. Changing requirements of power distributions such as multi-voltage power distribution have preceded the evolution of the eFuse market. Stridently, integrated circuit protection solutions aimed at reducing the incidence of short circuits have attracted widespread adoption. Since its development by IBM in 2000s, the scope for eFuse has been steadily expanding. In part, this is due to rise in number of sensitive loads in wide range of applications such as circuits used for data servers, and many mission-critical industries.
Active circuit protection mechanisms need to get more precise and responsive. The number of components used in the circuitry should reduce. eFuse technology has been rising in commercialization to offer advanced protection for circuits against inrush current, overcurrent, reverse current, reverse polarity, and overvoltage.
Need for customizable circuit-breaker operation in current protection has spurred the preference of products in the eFuse market over the existing discrete circuit protection solutions. The risk of current surges and damages from inrush current has led manufacturers of consumer and commercial electronics to adopt eFuses.
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Programmable Fuse Tech for Next-gen Commercial and Consumer Electronics Open New Growth Frontiers for eFuse
Companies are leaning on developing and launching programmable universal electronic fuse for use in HDD arrays and servers. The trend of using robotics for both commercial and industrial applications has been enriching the market value of eFuse. Smart home gadgets have been one of the lucrative application areas in the eFuse market. Massive adoption of robots over the past few years have added tremendous growth opportunities to eFuse manufacturers.
Chip manufacturers are coming out with new compact designs for integrating eFuse in chips meant for enterprise and cloud computing systems. In such systems, eFuse offers reverse current protection and overtemperature protection.
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Advancements in Product Features to Enrich eFuse Market Landscape
Demand for advanced automotive eFuse has been generating incredible avenues for eFuse developers and pioneers. Cars need fuse with high accuracy and faster response time. Rise in adoption of eFuse technology in electronic control units of various vehicles underpins tremendous revenue potential for eFuse market players. The demand is growing rapidly in countries who have booming sales of vehicles in the past few decades. Of note, Asia Pacific is witnessing considerable growth in sales of passenger vehicles. This has spurred the demand for eFuse. On the back of these factors, the region is estimated to be the fastest growing market for eFuse.
Scalability is a key product attribute here, eFuse-intergated circuit that offers the benefit of being scalable to multiple current sense values is one of the emerging trends of the eFuse market. Companies who want to be challengers and pioneer are coming out with new reference designs to gain a strategic advantage in the long run. A case in point is automotive precision eFuse reference design by Texas Instruments, a globally prominent semiconductor manufacturing company headquartered in U.S. Per an in-depth study, the valuation of the Asia Pacific eFuse market is projected to reach US$ 1.22 Bn by 2031.
Continuous advancements in features of products in the eFuse market have advanced their self-protection and diagnostic functions, expanding the avenue for commercialization in new applications. In recent years, the adoption of these have been growing in power devices used in healthcare and life-sciences industries. A case in point is the expanding array of products in the eFuse market which offer integrated circuit protection for lab bench power supplies. The products enable autonomous switching in case of current exceeding the set threshold value. State-of-the-art manufacturing technologies used for circuits used in eFuse has extended the canvas. A case in point is the use of 3D printing technologies. Penetration of 3D is expected to enrich the landscape in the near future.