
My Dental Veneer Does Not Feel Right: What To Do?

See a dentist if you have any concerns about how your veneer looks or feels. Your veneer may need to be reshaped or filed by your dentist to improve its fit. The cosmetic dentist may suggest getting a new veneer if that doesn’t work.

Your dentist may recommend slightly reshaping the underlying tooth to accommodate the veneer. Bonding or ceramic crowns are two alternatives that could be suggested if the situation calls for it.

You should always check in with your dentist to ensure you get the best treatment possible. The quality of your dental care is crucial, and you should never have to settle for something that doesn’t make you happy. Furthermore, your dentist will examine the bond between the veneer and the tooth.

Some veneers become dislodged because of poor bonding or decay around the veneer’s placement site. If this is the case, your dentist may need to remove the old veneer and put on a new one.

What to Do If You Experience Pain or Discomfort with Your Dental Veneers

Aesthetics are important, but so is paying attention to any pain or discomfort you may have after getting dental veneers. If you experience any pain or distress in the area of your veneers, you should consult your dentist immediately.

In addition, you should make a few tweaks, such as sanding the veneer’s edges or installing a new one. Your dentist can also examine the area around where the veneer was placed to ensure it is bonded securely and that there is no extensive decay.

In conclusion, you should visit your dentist for an evaluation if your dental veneers are painful or uncomfortable. If you are still looking for more than the veneer’s fit or comfort, your dentist can make any necessary adjustments. If your dentist determines you need a new veneer, they will create a personalized treatment plan.

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Dental Veneers

  1. Practice good oral hygiene habits: This means taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing at least twice a day and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash.
  2. Avoid biting down on hard objects: It is important to avoid crunchy or chewy foods that could cause the veneers to chip or break.
  3. Visit your dentist regularly: This will help to ensure that your veneers are still in good condition and that the bond between the veneer and tooth is secure.
  4. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports or exercising: Wearing a mouthguard can help protect your veneers from damage due to heavy impacts.
  5. Avoid drinking sugary drinks or eating acidic foods: Sugary and acidic substances can erode tooth enamel, which could cause your veneers to become loose over time.

How To Tell If Your Dental Veneers are Uncomfortable

If you need clarification on whether your veneers are comfortable, there are a few signs to look out for. Some of these include sensitivity in the area of the veneer when eating or drinking, pain when biting down with the affected teeth, and discomfort while speaking and smiling. Also, if your gums feel irritated around the edges of the veneer or if there is a visible gap between them, you may need to get them adjusted.

You must see a dentist immediately for an evaluation if any of these signs are present. Your dentist can ensure your veneers are fitted properly and address any other underlying issues. Ultimately, your dentist can determine if you need adjustments or a new veneer.

Taking care of your dental veneers is essential for maintaining the aesthetics and comfort of your smile. Following these tips and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups will help ensure that your dental veneers stay in the best condition possible.

Cascade Dental is here to help you maintain the health and beauty of your veneers for optimal use. Our team of experienced dentists can provide you with the personalized care and attention you need to ensure your smile looks its best.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment! We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile!

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