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Meet J. Edwards Holt at the Arts, Books, and Crafts Fair

If you are a fan of fantasy, adventure, and comic books, you won’t want to miss the chance to meet J. Edwards Holt at the Arts, Books, and Crafts Fair in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Saturday, June 10. Holt is a bestselling author, ordained minister, and mental health advocate who has published several books for children and adults.

Some of his most popular works include the Little Men, Big Treasures trilogy, a fantasy adventure series about a group of dwarves who embark on a perilous quest to find a legendary treasure; the Barrenworld trilogy, a dark fantasy saga about a cursed world where certain magic is forbidden and monsters roam; and The Beast of Tiragalda, a comic book inspired by his childhood love of comics and mythology.

Holt’s books have received critical acclaim and recognition from various sources. His debut novel, Little Men, Big Treasures, was nominated for the SABA 2020 Book Awards. The magazine he writes for, Exceptional Needs Today, received the Gold Award from the prestigious Mom’s Choice Awards honoring excellence. He also co-authored and edited Called to Intercede, an anthology that topped the Amazon Best Seller List.

Holt is not only a talented writer but also a generous and compassionate person. He spends his free time reading and helping the less fortunate in his community. He is also a mental health advocate who shares his personal struggles with depression and anxiety on his blog and social media platforms. He hopes to inspire others who are going through similar challenges and offer them hope and encouragement.

If you want to meet this amazing author and get your books signed by him, don’t miss the opportunity to visit him at the Arts, Books, and Crafts Fair in Fayetteville on June 10. You will also be able to browse through his latest works and discover new stories that will captivate your imagination. Holt is looking forward to seeing his fans and sharing his passion for writing with them.

Don’t miss this chance to meet J. Edwards Holt — this weekend!

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