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Mastering Obedience: Strategies Employed by Top Dog Trainers

We all love our dogs, but dogs can be so difficult. Sometimes it feels like they don’t listen to a thing we say. Why is this?

Pet owners commonly take their dog’s disobedience personally and blame themselves for not being good enough owners with poor communication skills. This is understandable, but the problem might lie in how we communicate with our pets during training sessions.

There are many types of dog training, but I want to focus on one type called ‘obedience.’ Obedience training is about teaching your dog simple tasks such as ‘sit,’ ‘down,’ or ‘stay’ to benefit the entire family.

Positive Reinforcement Training Techniques

To begin training, you must understand the positive reinforcement techniques for dog training.

One of the main components of this is building a relationship with your dog. If your puppy loves playing fetch, then hold on to that ball. The next time they ‘drop’ the ball at your feet, they will be rewarded with more playtime.

Use a treat occasionally and use it as a ‘jackpot’ if they do something extra special during the game (i.e., pretending the ball is stuck under a box, goes in the garbage, or any other place you can think of). These are just a few examples.

Another important concept about positive reinforcement dog training is that training sessions should be short and fun for you and your pet. For this reason, training can take place anywhere as long as both of you enjoy it.

Clicker Training

Clicker training adjusts the dog’s behavior by rewarding positive responses. The first step to clicker training is to find a clicker (a tool for making a sound that is then echoed back) that your dog likes and can understand. You can make the clicker sound louder than you think it should be, but don’t shout or force it into him – if he doesn’t like it, it will irritate him.

After you have your clicker, the next step is to practice until you have your dog’s attention (this can be done anywhere, don’t get frustrated!). When he looks at you, give him a ‘click’ and continue to pay attention to whatever he’s doing. The idea here is that if you keep the focus on the behavior, it will soon become part of their daily routine.

Socialization Techniques

Socialization is a very important factor in training your dog. Dogs like to play and socialize with other dogs and human beings. They do so to learn about their environment and determine where they fit into the scheme. If your dog does not have the full support of you, his guardian, he will have a hard time learning how to be cute and well-mannered. One of the easiest ways to socialize your dog is to take walks with him every day.

Leash Training

Leash training is a very crucial part of socialization. The idea of taking your dog for a walk is that it will allow him to get used to the feel of the leash and develop a sense of respect for other dogs and people along his route. You should also ensure he understands that he can’t pull or bite on the leash.

Voice Commands

Voice commands are a very good way to train your pet. They allow you to use your voice to communicate with your dog and can be used for many different things. For example, you can say “sit” while holding a small treat and then pet him. Do not use the word ‘bad’ unless it is necessary, as there are no words that a dog can understand.

Training Your Dog at Home

Even though dogs lead very active lives, most of them like to sleep and relax inside their territory. One of the best ways to train your dog is to get him accustomed to sleeping inside his crate or kennel.

Behavioral Modification

Learning when and how to behave is a learned behavior. Your dog can be trained to modify his behavior to ensure a happier life in your household. If you are patient and consistent, you will be able to help your pet become a well-behaved member of the family.

Puppies need an owner who is compassionate yet firm. If you are upset by his behavior, he will read your emotions and be much more difficult to train. Have patience and help him discover the joys of being a family member.

A common mistake novice dog owners make is to try to force-train their puppy. They entice the pup to do something naughty and then punish him. This set him up for failure from the very first day. When you get a puppy, you should spend extra time on training methods that reward good behavior.

Choosing the Right Trainer

Many dog trainers in Fayetteville NC or owners hesitate to take their pets to a professional trainer, fearing their dogs will be abused or mistreated. Dog trainers are passionate about what they do and work very hard to train and care for your pet’s needs.

However, they also need to be aware of the owner’s needs. While some clients may come looking for a quick fix and want to get the most out of their lesson, others come with a specific need that requires a more personalized approach.


It is often the case that the actions of his owner dictate a dog’s behavior. The more you can communicate with your pet and let him know where he stands in your home, the better he’ll be able to behave and learn.


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