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Low Vision: What You Need to Know

You don’t likely think about low vision if you don’t know someone who has it. According to the National Eye Institute (USA), nearly 3 million Americans have poor vision. This number is likely to rise by 70% over the next 15 years.

What is low vision? What is low vision?

Low vision is a person who has vision impairments that are not corrected with regular glasses, contact lenses, or cataract surgery. You should consult your eye doctor if you are having difficulty reading, reading street signs, reading medicine bottles, or seeing television.

Can you please tell us which person has low vision most often and why?

Low vision can be caused by an inherited condition or an eye injury. It also could occur as a result of an age-related condition like macular degeneration, glaucoma, or a complication from a systemic condition such as diabetes. Children can be born with low vision, or they may develop a low vision as a result of an inherited condition. Adults who have normal vision may develop an acquired eye condition that reduces their vision. As people live longer, more people are susceptible to age-related eye diseases. These conditions can lead to reduced vision.

An eye condition, whether it is inherited or acquired from someone else, can affect the function of a particular part of your eye. This can lead to vision problems and reduced vision.

How can you help those with low vision?

Low vision should not necessarily be confused with blindness. Low vision patients have good vision, which can be magnified with a magnifying glass. Low vision rehabilitation services are not meant to correct the cause of vision problems but rather, they help maximize vision.

First, we talk about the daily tasks that are challenging for low-vision patients. These might include reading, seeing street signs, driving independently, managing money, and seeing outside in the sun’s glare.

We then check the patient’s eyes using special eye charts for low vision. We also check the side vision and contrast sensitivity. If this is decreased it can cause blurred vision. Finally, we check for blind spots. These can appear as dark spots or distortion.

Next, we will show the patient how different devices might be used to aid them in everyday tasks. These devices can include magnifiers, magnifiers, and telescopes as well as lamps, electronic devices, computer adaptations, and electronic devices. We offer the individualized care that focuses on visual function.

What are the future prospects for low vision rehabilitation? 

Technology is constantly evolving at an alarming pace. Future developments in this area will be likely to be in the same field. Electronic magnifiers now have speech output. The convergence of technology through smartphones and tablets means that one no longer needs a separate computer and cell phone. These apps are also available for those with visual impairments. Recently, there have been apps that assist visually impaired people in reading, writing, taking notes, sending text messages, traveling, and identifying colors, money, and items. We will see more applications developed as technology advances.

Treatment and management

Some eye conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, can be treated to restore or maintain vision. If this is impossible, vision loss can be permanent. Aids for visual impairment are beneficial to many people who have difficulty seeing. These are the most common low-vision aids:

  • Telescopic glasses
  • Lenses that reflect light
  • Magnifying glasses
  • Hand magnifiers
  • Closed-circuit television.
  • Reading prisms.

The Argus(r) II prosthetic eye might be able for some patients with retinitis pigmentosa. The device can partially restore vision for blind patients. Some patients may be able to see better and be able to navigate streets and doors independently.

These non-optical aids are very helpful for those who have difficulty seeing. These are some of the most common non-optical aids:

  • Software to read text
  • Refer to the guides.
  • Watches and clocks with high contrast.
  • Watches and clocks that talk.
  • Large print publications.
  • Watches, clocks, and phones with larger numbers.

Many people can see better and live more comfortably with visual aids. Ask your Low vision specialist for information about the best places where to purchase visual aids.

Optometrist giving eye exam to senior patient


Diabetic patients may avoid vision loss. Patients suffering from macular and glaucoma might also be treated to prevent further vision loss.

Low-vision devices are designed to improve the visual performance of low-vision children. This will facilitate academic and social development, and give them an edge in everyday life. They can be either electronic or electronic with an optical. These are the most commonly prescribed low-vision aids:

Magnifying Spectacles

Magnifying glasses can be worn as eyeglasses. They improve vision and help with tasks like reading, stitching, or threading needles. These magnifiers don’t require your hands and allow you to use them with your hands.

Stand Magnifiers

Stand magnifiers: These magnifiers can be placed on the object to be studied and are hidden from your eyes. You can also get handheld versions that are easy to read and have built-in lighting. Standing magnifiers may be the best option for you if you have motion disorder or arthritis.


Telescopes can be attached to glasses or similar to binoculars to be used for distant viewing.

Video magnifiers

A man reading from an electronic magnifier. These electronic devices make pages and photos larger. Tablets and smartphones are the most affordable video magnifiers. They allow you to increase contrast and font size.

Low Vision Techniques

These modifications, also called low vision techniques, are useful for everyday tasks. You can improve the lighting in your home by using light bulbs of higher wattage. To prevent accidents and improve visibility, make sure that the corners and crevices of your home are well lit. To reduce glare, adjust light fixtures to minimize the effect on your eyes. Wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed stole, or a scarf around your face to protect your eyes.

To make shopping lists, use thick and bold felt tip markers. A whiteboard can be used to mark important dates and times. Low vision devices such as watches, remotes, and thermostats that can “talk back”, are easily accessible and affordable. Special schools may have occupational therapists available to help children learn independence. Patients with vision impairment can thrive in a supportive environment at home and school.

It is important to have a positive and happy attitude about living. Many diseases that were once untreatable are now being treated. Researchers around the globe are now focusing their attention on conditions that can permanently damage the eyes and vision. We can expect a rapid breakthrough.

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