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Lesson Plan Template – Based on Integrated Field Experience


The students will learn to recognize and orally produce the accurate pronunciation of a consonant sound based on the specific pattern of error noted in the observation log.

Primary Standards and Competencies Addressed

Florida’s B.E.S.T. E.L.A. standards for Grade 3.

  • 3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • 3.2 Demonstrate command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling conventions when writing.

L.3.3 Use knowledge of the language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. (Hire Homework Assignment Helper Services)

ESOL Competency

The lesson plan will address the ESOL pronunciation competency, precisely the correct production of consonant sounds.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures and flashcards of words containing the targeted consonant sound
  • Audio recordings of words containing the targeted consonant sound
  • Recording device

Essential Question of the Day

  • What is the targeted consonant sound of the day?
  • Can you give an example of a word that contains the targeted consonant sound?


  • The teacher will introduce the targeted consonant sound of the day using visual aids such as pictures and flashcards.
  • The teacher will elicit prior knowledge by asking students to identify words that contain the targeted consonant sound.
  • The teacher will scaffold new information by demonstrating how to produce the correct pronunciation of the targeted consonant sound. (Hire Custom Paper Writing Services)

Guided Practice

  • The teacher will model the correct pronunciation of words containing the targeted consonant sound.
  • The teacher will involve E.L.L. students in guided practice by having them repeat words containing the targeted consonant sound.
  • The teacher will provide corrective feedback to students who mispronounce the targeted consonant sound.

Independent Practice

  • The teacher will have students work in pairs or small groups to practice producing the correct pronunciation of words containing the targeted consonant sound.
  • The teacher will have students individually record themselves pronouncing words containing the targeted consonant sound to be reviewed for accuracy later.


  1. Remediation

o for E.L.L. students who are struggling, the teacher will provide additional practice exercises, such as tongue twisters, to help them improve their pronunciation.

o The teacher will use visual aids, such as mouth diagrams, to help students see and understand the correct placement of the tongue and lips for the targeted consonant sound.

  1. Enrichment

o for advanced E.L.L. students, the teacher will provide more challenging words containing the targeted consonant sound.

o The teacher will encourage students to practice saying the words containing the targeted consonant sound in sentences and paragraphs.

  1. S.E. Accommodations

o for visually challenged E.L.L. students, the teacher will provide audio recordings of words containing the targeted consonant sound.

o for auditory-challenged E.L.L. students, the teacher will provide visual aids, such as mouth diagrams, to help them understand the target consonant sound’s correct pronunciation.

o for E.L.L. students with learning disabilities, the teacher will provide additional scaffolding and modeling to help them understand the target consonant sound’s correct pronunciation.


  • The teacher will summarize the targeted consonant sound of the day and provide feedback to students on their progress.
  • The teacher will encourage students to continue practicing correctly pronouncing the targeted consonant sound.

Homework Extension Activity

  • Students will practice recording themselves pronouncing words containing the targeted consonant sound and review their recordings for accuracy.


  • During guided practice, the teacher will listen for the correct pronunciation of words containing the targeted consonant sound.
  • During independent practice, the teacher will listen to students’ recordings to evaluate their progress.
  • After completing the homework extension activity, the students should demonstrate improved accuracy.
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