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Kasey Stinson Is Dedicated To Prison Reform

An entrepreneur from California, Kasey Stinson owns and operates a business. At the moment, his career is focused on business consultation due to the wide range of business services he provides. Over the last decade, his business and finance skills have been refined as a highly sought after tax professional in Los Angeles. As well as being a business consultant, he is also heavily involved in licensing and selling media properties. His curiosity for learning led him to research everything he found in Forbes magazines that he didn’t understand. Later, he started multiple media ventures, including one that landed him in prison for eight years. During his time in prison, he founded the group Men Of Change, which helps men rethink their approaches from illegal hustles to legal endeavors.

Kasey Stinson is now co-founder and CFO of Victory Starts Now. This is a nonprofit organization that is the leading provider of community-based restoration services for the Los Angeles County’s Office of Reentry and Diversion. Kasey has been passionate about helping people since a young age. Throughout the years, Kasey’s definition of “help” has evolved, but his purpose has remained the same: to leave people, businesses, and even animals better off than before. Victory Starts Now is a nonprofit focusing on alternatives to incarceration and helping the once incarcerated become productive members of society. With his unique skill set, the company grew from one facility in 2015 serving 20 clients to 21 facilities by 2020. His passion for prison reform and belief that his organization can broker more deals and offer more opportunities in the next 5 years is what drives Kasey Stinson to work for prison reform.

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