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Kareem Thomas: The Individual In The Luxury Properties Spotlight

Kareem Thomas - Luxery properties

Kareem Thomas is an exceptional entrepreneur running and operating a corporate house company known as Luxury Properties. With a competitive mindset, a positive approach, and great experience in teamwork, Thomas has taken the business to remarkable heights. Luxor Properties, Thomas’ company, concentrates on presenting comfortable short-terms stays for individuals looking for a home away from home. Being able to experience a much more affordable price than an expensive hotel. However, “No man ever did or can do a great work alone.” The wise words of Elbert Hubbart also hold for Thomas. He expresses his gratitude to his mother, mentors, and coaches in his life. Still, first and foremost, he gives thanks to the almighty for providing him opportunities and good health to conduct himself. Thomas is ambitious regarding any business that he seeks interest in. He seeks to impact the entertainment industry with his input. He remembers himself enjoying reality TV shows and independent modeling while growing up. It came as no surprise when Thomas seized the opportunity to be on the show Temptation Island.

From the beginning, Thomas, an individual from Queens, New York, had a great deal of enthusiasm for basketball, which he describes as a competitive sport. Through basketball, Thomas developed a competitive mindset, learned to build networks, and worked together in teams, which prepared him for a successful career and life. These acquired skills helped in both the industries in which he formed his pathway. The discipline, growth mindset, and eagerness to continuously learn, helped Thomas stand out in the entertainment industry. His competitive, risk-taking attitude served him an advantage over many. Basketball will always have an impact on Thomas’ entrepreneurial journey, having instilled perseverance and hard work.

When asked about some tips from his hard-earned experiences and lessons, Thomas gave great insight.  He advised people “To always plan for the future, but keep an open mind to changes and gain knowledge with each step. In addition, one should focus on their mental health and celebrate the smallest of wins.” He also reminded us to be excited once failure comes because it always gives you a chance to grow.

Thomas gets satisfaction in providing individuals with affordable luxurious housing. Thomas is a firm believer that all people should have access to a comfortable lifestyle. When given the opportunity, Thomas would gather influential people and organize events to motivate people to achieve success.

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