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Jonah Engler explains Why do people have to believe in god? The merits of being an atheist

Jonah Engler

There are many reasons why people choose to believe in god, even though there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any deity.

  • For some, it provides a sense of comfort or security, while others find solace in the idea of an all-powerful being looking out for them. Additionally, many religions offer community and support systems that can be beneficial for believers.
  • However, there are also several good reasons to be an atheist. One is that it allows people to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, rather than attributing them to the will of a higher power. Additionally, atheists tend to be more critical thinkers who are willing to question received wisdom and challenge popular beliefs. Finally, atheism often goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to social justice, as believers are less likely to accept inequality and suffering as inevitable.
  • In the end, whether or not to believe in god is a personal decision. There are pros and cons to both atheism and religion, and it ultimately comes down to what works best for each individual.

There are many reasons why people choose to believe in God, even though there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any sort of Supreme Being explains Jonah Engler. For some, it provides a sense of comfort or security, while others may believe that they will be rewarded in some way for their faith. Still, others may simply have been raised in a religious household and never questioned their beliefs.

However, there are also many benefits to being an atheist.

  • For one, atheists tend to be more rational and logical in their thinking. As they are not swayed by emotional appeals or baseless claims. They are also often more tolerant of other viewpoints and cultures. As they do not think that their own belief system is the only correct one. Additionally, atheists are not bind by the same moral strictures as religious people. And thus can live their lives in a more free and autonomous way.
  • There are many reasons why someone might choose to believe in God. Even though there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any sort of Supreme Being. Some people may find comfort in the idea of a higher power. While others may believe that they will be reward in some way for their faith. Still, others may simply have been raised in a religious household and never questioned their beliefs.
  • However, there are also many benefits to being an atheist. Atheists tend to be more rational and logical in their thinking, as they are not sway by emotional appeals or baseless claims says Jonah Engler. They are also often more tolerant of other viewpoints and cultures. As they do not think that their own belief system is the only correct one. Additionally, atheists are not bound by the same moral strictures as religious people. And thus can live their lives in a more free and autonomous way.


Why do people believe in god?

There are many reasons why people choose to believe in god, even though there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any deity. For some, it provides a sense of comfort or security, while others find solace in the idea of an all-powerful being looking out for them. Additionally, many religions offer community and support systems that can be beneficial for believers.

What are the benefits of atheism?

One benefit of atheism is that it allows people to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. Rather than attributing them to the will of a higher power. Additionally, atheists tend to be more critical thinkers who are willing to question received wisdom and challenge popular says Jonah Engler. Finally, atheism often goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to social justice. As believers are less likely to accept inequality and suffering as inevitable.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why someone might choose to believe in God or to be an atheist. Ultimately, it is a personal decision that each individual must make for themselves. There are pros and cons to both belief systems. And it is important to explore them all before making a decision.


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