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Is reliable for fixing NOT Responding Errors On Windows 10?

Not responding to errors in Windows 10 can be one of the most frustrating and annoying problems to deal with. Fortunately, it is not an insurmountable problem and there are a variety of methods available to help you fix this issue. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on troubleshooting Windows 10 not responding error effectively. We will discuss the common causes of these errors and provide helpful tips on preventing them from occurring again.

Your PC is slow, and you don’t know how to fix it. You have tried many things, but nothing works.

The Not Responding team article will show you how to fix not responding errors in Windows 10 with just a few clicks!

What are Not Responding Errors?

Not Responding Errors are one of the most common issues experienced by Windows users. While often temporary and relatively minor, these errors can be frustrating and affect your productivity. 

Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to troubleshoot the issue. A Not Responding Error typically occurs when an application fails to respond to commands issued by a user or other applications within the operating system in a timely manner. This problem is usually caused by resource conflicts or low memory conditions but can also occur due to corrupted files or misconfigured settings and drivers. 

If you encounter this error on Windows 10, you should start by running an SFC scan with SFC/scannow command line tool, which will locate any corrupt system files and repair them automatically.

How to fix Not Responding Errors?

1. Identify the Source of Not Responding Errors

Not responding to errors can be a major source of frustration for computer users. Identifying the source of these errors is key to getting them fixed quickly and efficiently. In most cases, not responding errors can be resolved by pressing enter or restarting the computer. 

However, in some cases, these errors may be caused by underlying issues such as memory leaks or faulty hardware components. To identify the source of not responding errors, it is important to pay attention to any error messages that might appear on the screen or any unusual behavior your machine is displaying. 

Additionally, you should check your task manager and look for processes that are taking up too many resources and thus causing your computer to slow down significantly. You should also run regular diagnostic tests on your PC to detect any potential memory leaks, which could also cause not responding errors.

2. Check System Resources and Restart Your Computer

Are you experiencing a responding error on your Windows computer? Don’t worry, it’s a common problem and there’s an easy solution. The first step is to check your system resources. This can be done by clicking the “Task Manager” in the Start menu and then selecting the “Performance” tab. 

Here, you’ll be able to see how much of your system resources are being used up by programs running in the background. If any of your programs are using too many of the available resources, try closing them down or restarting them. If that doesn’t help, restarting your entire computer may solve the issue. 

  • To do this, click on “Start” and select “Shut Down”. 
  • When prompted, select “Restart” instead of shutting down entirely. 
  • Make sure to run this operation as an administrator for the best results!


3. Close Unnecessary Programs

One of the most common errors faced by Windows users is not responding to errors. These errors can be frustrating and time-consuming as they interrupt your daily workflow. Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix them – closing unnecessary programs. 

When it comes to solving windows program not responding error, one of the most effective solutions is to close any unnecessary programs you may have running on your system. This includes those you haven’t used in a while or those you don’t need for current tasks. 

By closing these programs, more memory and resources are freed up, allowing Windows to operate more efficiently and reducing the chances of not responding to errors occurring again. Additionally, having a good anti-virus program installed can help reduce the occurrence of malware or viruses that can cause such issues.

4. Adjust Virtual Memory Settings

One of the most frustrating computer errors is when an application suddenly stops responding. This “Application Not Responding” error can be caused by a number of different issues, but there are some simple steps you can take to fix this issue and keep your system secure. The first step is to adjust your virtual memory settings. 

Virtual memory serves as a form of protection for your system; it sets limits on how much data can be stored in the RAM at once, preventing large applications from using up all the available resources. 

Adjusting these settings allows you to allocate more or less space for virtual memory depending on the size and purpose of an application. To update your security, download any available updates for your operating system or any other programs that might be affected by Application Not Responding errors.

5. Update Software & Drivers

Software and drivers are essential components of any computer system. Keeping them up to date can help prevent not responding errors from occurring. If you’re experiencing such an error, you must immediately check for updates. Updating your system driver using the cobra drivers pack for windows solution and drivers is relatively simple. 

All it takes is a few clicks or keystrokes; depending on the operating system, you are using, pressing enter after typing “check for updates” will do the trick. Make sure to allocate enough time to complete the entire process and restart your computer afterward so the changes can take full effect. Doing this should help resolve any not responding errors quickly and easily.

6. Perform a System Scan

Performing a system scan is an effective way to troubleshoot not responding errors and improve computer performance. One of the most reliable tools for this purpose is System File Checker (SFC), a Windows utility that allows users to identify and repair corrupted system files. If you don’t have free internet to download the system scan software, you can use the free internet MBS of my Telenor app answers to claim free internet and download the system scan software.

It can be accessed by typing “sfc/scannow” in the command line, resulting in an automated scan that detects corruptions, repairs them, and replaces missing files. In addition to using SFC, it is also recommended to update device drivers regularly as they are key operating system components. 

Updating drivers helps ensure your hardware functions properly and minimizes not responding to errors related to outdated or faulty hardware components. Drivers can be updated through Windows Update or manually on the manufacturer’s website.


In conclusion, not responding to errors in Windows 10 can cause a lot of frustration and disruptions to your daily activities. However, we have covered some steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. From restarting your computer to running scans with built-in tools, several troubleshooting methods may help solve the problem. If they are unsuccessful, it may be best to contact a professional technician.

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