It’s a fairly typical problem that many couples who wish to get married don’t know how or where to start the legal process. You may have questions about the legal aspects of marriage and require some information about them.
We are here to provide you with all the essential information you need to know when you want to get married in Canada. Let’s check the details!
Is it Legal to Get Married Without an Officiant in Canada?
It is legal to get married without an officiant in Canada. This can be done by using a lawyer, justice of the peace, or religious official as your witness. If you choose to go in this direction, you must ensure that they satisfy certain criteria established by the province in which they were born.
For example, in Ontario, you can get a marriage license from the Ontario government and then find someone willing to perform your ceremony.
Does a Marriage License Expire?
The validity of marriage licenses is temporary. If you’re planning to get married in Canada, make sure your marriage license is valid. Otherwise, you’ll have to go through the whole process again and pay another fee.
Getting married without an officiant means that no one will be there from the government or religious institution that performs weddings (such as a minister or priest), except for yourselves and any witnesses who may attend with you.
In addition to getting married without an official from your chosen religion present at the ceremony itself or signing off on it beforehand (if necessary), there’s no need for anyone else involved such as friends/family members acting as witnesses either — you just need yourself!
Where do I Get a Marriage License in Ontario?
You can get a marriage license in Ontario from the city, town, or village clerk where you live. If you’d like to marry somewhere else, then contact the city, town, or village clerk’s office there to find out whether they issue licenses for marriage ceremonies.
In addition to this option, some Ontario marriage commissioners can also issue marriage licenses. They’re usually located at places like courthouses and universities.
Difference Between a Marriage License And Certificate
The difference between a marriage license and a certificate is that the former is a document required to be presented to a marriage officiant before the ceremony. The latter is issued by the government after the ceremony. They are not identical, but they are related in some ways.
The application for a certificate of marriage is what you would need to fill out if you wanted to apply for either one of these documents from your country’s government (if you were getting married somewhere outside of Canada). This form will ask questions about where your wedding took place and who officiated it, among other things.
Once it’s been filled out and submitted, it will take some time for your local government office or agency responsible for issuing marriage certificates (or licenses) in your area to make sure everything checks out on their end as well as yours before sending them off. This indicates that it can take several weeks or even months from the time you complete this form until you receive either document back.
What Does it Cost to Get a Marriage License in Canada?
You may be wondering how much a marriage license costs in Canada. The answer depends on a few different factors, including what type of license you choose and where the ceremony takes place. For example, if you opt for a standard ceremony at your local municipal office or courthouse, then it will likely cost around $130 CAD per couple. However, if you want to get married in an Anglican church or other religious institution with an officiant present, then the fee could be as high as $450 CAD per person.
In Canada, How Many Witnesses Are Required For a Wedding Ceremony?
To get married in Canada, you will need at least two witnesses to sign the marriage license. The witnesses must be at least 16 years old and not be:
- The couple getting married
- The officiant performing your ceremony
- Either parent of either person getting married (unless they’re both deceased)
These requirements are set out in the Marriage Act and Civil Marriage Act, which states that witnesses “must not be: (a) persons who are married or related to each other; or (b) minors.” There is no requirement for these people to sign any kind of register or certificate after witnessing your wedding ceremony. However, they will receive one after receiving a certified copy of your marriage license from Vital Statistics Registry Offices around Canada’s provinces.
How do I Apply For a Marriage Certificate in Canada?
You’ll need to apply for a marriage certificate if you want proof that your wedding ceremony took place. You can apply for a marriage certificate at the same time as you apply for a marriage license, but keep in mind that it can take up to three weeks for this document to be issued. If possible, try to ensure that everything is processed prior to your departure from Canada — otherwise, you may end up having trouble boarding planes or entering countries with strict requirements around documentation.
The process of obtaining a certificate varies slightly depending on which province or territory in Canada you call home:
- Alberta: Visit Service Alberta’s website where they have further information about obtaining certificates after getting married in Alberta—including how much each one costs (between $20-$30).
- British Columbia: Visit BC Vital Statistics Online Services where they have all sorts of information about obtaining certificates—including where/how long each one takes before being issued (usually within five days).
- Manitoba: Visit Manitoba Health’s website where they offer advice on how best to get your documents once they’ve passed through processing (which takes between two days and three weeks).
What is the Process of Getting Married in Canada as an Immigrant or Traveler?
If you are a Canadian citizen, you can marry anyone in Canada. It’s that simple.
If you are not a Canadian citizen but have come to Canada on a temporary visa and wish to be married here, there are some requirements:
- You must first apply for a marriage license from your local government office (usually through Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations). This can usually be done online or by mail; however, it may require an appointment with someone at the office in person if they do not offer an online application option.
- Once this is done, you must provide proof of citizenship (such as a passport) and proof that both partners are single (aside from each other). You should also bring along the payment for the fee associated with getting married in Nova Scotia ($20-$80 depending on whether or not it’s cash or cheque). This fee is non-refundable even if your application does not succeed because one partner doesn’t meet all the requirements necessary for obtaining their own marriage license.
How Much Does it Cost to Have a Lawyer Marry You in Toronto And Surrounding Areas?
The cost of hiring a lawyer to marry you depends on where you’re getting married and what type of ceremony you want. If you want an official wedding license from the province (which costs $50), then there are no other fees associated with getting married by law.
However, if you want to hire a lawyer and have them perform your ceremony, that’s when things start getting more complicated. The price will vary depending on where in Canada your wedding is taking place and whether or not the celebrant has been accredited by the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC).
We hope this guide has helped answer some questions you may have about getting married in Canada. Please note that the laws surrounding marriage are subject to change and vary from province to province. For more information about the legality of wedding ceremonies without an officiant, contact the appropriate provincial or territorial government office.