CIG Capital is offering project finance and investment while bringing a lending revolution to the Finance market. Founder Charles D. Carey will be sharing more details with us in this interview.
1) Please tell us about yourself and your experience in the capital market?
I’m a man of faith with a great loving family. I run a multi-billion dollar lending group of companies: CIG Capital, BU Financial and FCSG. I have a passion to help others. My heart is in our Live 80/20 foundation.
2) What is CIG Capital and what are the major services you provide at CIG Capital?
CIG Capital is an alternative project finance company. Funding projects and businesses above $20M into the billions. We are creative enough to solve problems and have the ability to fund 100% of the project funding.
3) How is the current Covid-19 market turbulence affecting the global investment market and CIG Capital?
CIG Capital actually has had a large influx of business. Since CIG Capital isn’t constrained based on the current markets our funding is based on long term returns. Thus, we are able to provide funding business as usual. We’re actually hiring right now as well.
4) CIG Capital Continues Funding over $2.7 billion During this COVID-19 Crisis, what is your motivation?
Our motivation is to help solve the issues at hand. Hotels still need to be built, businesses still need to expand. We don’t just look at today we look where that project will be many years from now. Our motivation is two-fold. First, helping those that other lenders have turned their backs on; hospitality, real estate, energy, etc. And second, helping expand the current portfolio of CIG.
5) What makes CIG Capital the best among other project finance and investment firms?
We solve problems and help streamline the funding. With our 100% funding model we’re what you would like to call a “One Stop Shop”.
6) Who is CIG Capital for and who are your major customers?
Our major customers are large hotel flagships, governments, established developers with large portfolios, and projects that are new to the marketplace.
7) CIG Capital has grown reasonably over the years, would you like to share your success stories with us?
We love seeing clients that come to us and say everyone else turned them down and we found a way to d-risk the project so we could provide the funding.
8) Could you tell us about your team and customer support, how can one easily access your funds?
We have a really diverse team. Ranging from the healthcare industry to hospitality. Our funds come from a combination of institutional and derivative markets. Our money isn’t just old money, it’s also new. This is why we can fund 100% of projects.
9) How Safe is CIG Capital, would you like to talk about your legal and security measures to protect your clients?
We follow all the guidelines on collateral and securities based on what the regulatory bodies have in place. CIG Capital utilizes structures that are meant to protect the transaction. There is always risk. But we follow those guidelines, which ultimately gives CIG Capital the needed checks and balances. With our underwriting and risk mitigation process it really helps to d-risk our portfolio.
10) Do you have any tips for business owners or entrepreneurs to succeed as you have?
I like to say there isn’t much difference between success and failure. Both are important to understand. I like to say that one needs to learn how to fail successfully. Failure is inevitable; it will happen. It’s how you use it that determines how successful you will be. When you don’t succeed the first time, keep pressing, make changes and have the attitude that you can always find solutions. With a successful mindset, you are willing to go the extra mile and not be content after you have reached success. The key for these things is to take advice from those that are successful and find a great mentor. In short, become the best at whatever you do and don’t ever settle!
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