Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, also referred to as IGBT, is a semiconductor power electronic component. Due to its high efficiency and quick switching, this device is primarily used in switches, phase control, and pulse modulation. Modern society’s fundamental need for electricity will result in severe losses and harm to both human life and society as a whole. IGBT aids in reducing power supply congestion, resulting in a smooth supply of electricity. IGBTs are used in many different industrial sectors due to their high power efficiency, low power requirements, and high blocking voltage. Because of its capacity to reduce switching loss, IGBT is gaining attention due to its ability to lessen the thermal stress on electric devices, which results in an extended device life and higher reliability. Due to rising investments in IGBT chip research and development, module optimization for power consumption reduction, modified chip density, and thermal resistivity, this market is expected to expand quickly. All of these IGBT features contribute to the market share of IGBT power electronic semiconductor devices.
IGBT Market Dynamics
The international IGBT market is currently expanding and exhibits significant potential across numerous industrial sectors. The need for improved power cycling capacity and thermal capacity, as well as rising government incentives, are the main factors propelling the growth of the global IGBT market. These regions also have a growing demand to replace aging power infrastructures. In addition to these, rising consumer demand for energy-efficient electronics, IGBTs’ capacity to boost a variety of electronics’ performance, as well as their ability to play a significant role in the technological advancement of power electronics, have all contributed to the market’s expansion. Lack of awareness, high costs, a high initial investment, the absence of stable device characteristics in high temperatures, and the slowdown in the economy are some of the factors limiting the growth of the global IGBT market. On the whole, though, it is anticipated that these restrictions will have little effect on the market. Future deployment of the smart grid will present an opportunity for the global IGBT market, helping to expand it.
IGBT Market Segmentation
The global IGBT market is divided into segments based on regions, types, and applications. The electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EV/HEV), industrial motor drives, traction, transportation, HVAC, renewable energy, UPS, series compensation, and other applications are the sub-segments of the global IGBT market based on applications. The demand for EV/HEV among these applications is anticipated to drive the growth of the global IGBT market during the anticipated period. The global IGBT market is also benefiting from the green energy sector’s quick growth. The market is divided into IGBT modules and discrete IGBT based on type.
Geographically, seven global regions make up the IGBT market: North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific (Japan excluded), Japan as a separate region, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and Africa Region. In terms of market value, the Europe region currently dominates the global IGBT market, with Germany and the United Kingdom driving market expansion. With China’s and Japan’s technological advancements, Asia-Pacific is predicted to have the fastest growth during the anticipated period. The IGBT market in both countries is also anticipated to expand. The markets for IGBT in North America and the other remaining regions are both expected to be very promising. The growth of the global IGBT market will be further fueled by demand in the Middle East region.
IGBT Market Key Players
Key players in the Global IGBT market include Fujitsu Ltd., Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronics N.V., NXP Semiconductors N.V., Vishay Intertechnology, Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc., Toshiba Corporation, Inc., ROHM Co. Ltd., Fuji Electric Co. Ltd, and Renesas Electronics Corporation, among others. These key players are following the trend of large-scale collaborations and partnerships. These strategies will be beneficial for them in expanding their global footprints and increasing global market share.