ICOspeaks telegram crypto community is so popular for AMA (ask me anything)
During the last 6 Month ICOspeaks Team hosted 70 AMA projects, related to Decentralized Finance and cryptocurrency in general.
What project owners wants to share to global mass audience? Well in general is the main point is to attract user’s attention, get a feedback, discuss deeply about the project features. That is the cool thing when Telegram communities such icospeaks with 70k users have the ability to participate in AMA Session. Another reason for project owners is attract smart and best investors to the project and we must admit its nice idea. The benefits for investors also obvious, personal discussion with the team, ask the question you like to ask, meanwhile we must admit not every users question is answered from the team, in this situation we always recommend to follow the project and ask the questions the inside the project community such as twitter or telegram.
And now let’s Talk about ICOspeaks AMA session ( ask me anything )
Step Number 1 is a preparation for the AMA, That can be Announcements in the both communities such as project community and icospeaks community.
Step Number 2
Pre discussion between AMA Host and Project Speaker, ( there is some instructions how AMA should be handled and time schedule)
Step number 3
AMA session process, there is nothing difficult here. There will be 4 blocks of AMA Session such as
1) The first Block on our AMA , is self-introduction from today’s speaker
2) Second Block of AMA. Project Introduction by speakers. Give us a few sentences on following questions:
3️) Third Block of AMA. Question from ICO Speaks team. Our team has prepared few question which we are interested in:
4️) Forth Block of AMA. Community Voice. Community can ask any question about Your project and your speaker would answer on them.
Before AMA we need you to give us an info for blocks 1,2 and 3
- Names, telegram links and positions of speakers, here the speaker will have a few minutes for introduction ( please makes sure the speakers have joined the telegram community at least 1-2 h before the AMA start)
- Prepare 3-5 Question\Answer which you would like to start the AMA with ( it must be general question about concept of the project)
- Prepare 3- 5 Question Answer which you would like us to ask. ( some new features, upcoming plans, the most strongest sides of the project)
- Block 4 doesn’t require any preparations. ( community asks, we mute after we’ll get some set of questions, and you’ll pick some to be answered )
- After the AMA you or we select 10 winners who will get the rewards.
Block 2 and 3 will be held in the format of interview, I ask 1 question, you answer, the chat will be muted during this time.
in addition:
- please provide us the phots and logos of your project.
- let’s set the date and time start so we can prepare the poster.If you are interested in creating awareness for your project in ICOspeaks telegram community, the reach out us by this link https://icospeaks.com/ico-ieo-promotion
Telegram community – https://t.me/icospeaks