Natural disasters in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other cataclysms regularly test different countries for their strength. Hurricanes occupy a special place in this series of provocateurs of natural disasters. If they belong to category 2 or higher, then destruction and damage are difficult to avoid. A hurricane tracker prepares for its arrival, helping to secure the population and showing the safest paths of evacuation.
Possibilities of the RainViewer App for Detecting an Upcoming Hurricane
To protect yourself, your loved ones, and the community as a whole from the impending disaster, it is not enough to know about its approach. It is essential to understand in which direction it will continue to move. Without this information, the population may attempt to evacuate to an area that is either also covered by heavy air mass movement or lies in the path of their further motion. Use the playback controls to turn on the map animation. It will automatically search the map, allowing you to learn where the rain, snow, or hail was before it reached your areas and where it will be moving. RainViewer has access to the data from more than 1000 weather radars across the world. Our hurricane radar page allows you to track the movement of hurricanes and tropical storms on the map. To find out where the actual storm is currently moving, click the icon in the upper-right corner of the map. You will see chains of colorful dots forming the past, current, and predicted path of a hurricane, cyclone, or tropical storm.
The RainViewer app allows you to objectively assess the state of atmospheric fronts and make the right choice for each specific situation. The Weather Radar Map Live page shows areas where precipitation is currently expected. A weather radar can determine the precipitation type (rain, snow, hail, etc.) and spot its location. With the help of a weather radar map, it is also possible to predict where the rain will be moving next and how intense it will be. Know where exactly the precipitation is moving, based on the radar data. Turn on the arrow layer to display storm direction on the map. Know in advance when a tropical storm reaches your area. Track its movement on the radar map. Check its strength, speed, and where it goes next.
How to Use the RainViewer App
RainViewer is a universal weather radar that reflects the movement of air masses, precipitation, and other factors in real time. The application collects data from more than 1,000 weather radars located in different parts of the globe. On an informative animated map of the app, you can see:
- Approaching hurricanes;
- Their trajectories over the past two days;
- The predicted further course of the natural disaster for the next 1.5 hours.
In addition to hurricanes, the app shows tropical storms, floods, cyclones, and other adverse weather conditions.
To get information about the hurricane you are interested in, click on its name, indicated on its route on the map. The detailed information table will indicate the category of the hurricane, the wind speed, as well as its previous and further path. With RainViewer, natural disasters will not take you by surprise, because all their plans will be known in advance!