LED technology has arrived to reshape how we interact with audiovisual content created by production businesses in response to the emerging requirements of various virtual productions. The applications for the entertainment business are vast and varied, including:
● TV material, cinematic content, and gaming.
● Internet transmission (streaming).
● Video game production
● Sporting contests
The LED video wall enables the evolution of content in real-time, altering previous perceptions on the subject.
In live shows, television productions communicate directly with the visual LED screen, allowing them to expedite notes and interviews without having to check other monitors to determine what is being aired.
LED panels have significantly enriched the final product that reaches the general public and is utilized for a variety of purposes and audiences, as well as different levels of professional content production, such as:
● E-sports
● Interviews
● Personal content creation on networks including Twitch and Discord, among others.
How LED technology differs from other technologies such as green screens and chromas
The new LED technology enables the digital content behind the drivers or performers to be displayed in real-time, whereas in the past only a green or blue screen was seen, which was later filled with images or video.
In this approach, film production firms can develop the backgrounds of the movie and interact with the various performers in a more dynamic manner, changing scenes without having to leave the film set, resulting in a significant decrease in costs and working hours.
In turn, this enables actors to better comprehend their environment and allows directors to examine scenes, lighting, and focus from many perspectives during filming, as opposed to only in post-production.
A green background screen introduced the compilation of recordings of the event as the drivers or panelists commented on it in the studio during Internet transmissions of events such as e-sports (streaming).
Today, owing to LED screen panels, the event may be viewed and commented on in the very same studios so that it can be transmitted to all viewers without the need for editing.
Find out more about these led displays panels
But LED walls is not only used in manufacturing; it has also found a home in previously unheard-of venues, such as
● advertising,
● shopping malls,
● stores, and businesses.
● Marketing of brands and goods
This innovative technology is widely utilized in unanticipated fields due to its adaptability.
LED screen manufacturers as suppliers of new technology for the film, TV, and video game industry
LED technology has extended to many forms of audiovisual and virtual creations. Companies like Mirackle create and distribute several types of panels that give superior image quality and sharper colors in up to 4K and with a High Refresh Rate of up to 3840Hz.
LED display panels reduce production expenses due to their low power consumption and simplicity of loading numerous forms of digital content, while simultaneously enhancing the studio’s ambiance in previously unimaginable ways.
With a floor mounting system or a wall mount, you may use them in studios, rooms, or enterprises of all sizes. You can even use a height mounting system with stronger bars to handle their weight, making them suitable for use on film sets, in shopping malls, or on stages.
Depending on the viewer’s distance or if the LED video wall virtual production will be utilized indoors or outdoors, the following panels can be used:
● P1.9MM at 5 feet, 4K Quality, High Refresh Rate (3840Hz), and 100W maximum power consumption.
● P2.5MM at 5 feet, 4K Quality, High Refresh Rate (3840Hz), 150W maximum power consumption.
● P2.9MM at 6 feet, 4K Quality, High Refresh Rate 3840Hz, 100W maximum power usage.
● P3.9MM at 8 feet, 4K Quality, High Refresh Rate 3840Hz, maximum power usage 120W / maximum power consumption 260W outdoors.
● P5MM at 16 feet, 4K Quality, High Refresh Rate 3840Hz, maximum power consumption 425W / maximum power consumption 500W outdoors.
Easy to maintain and clean, you will be provided with a service both for its acquisition (helping you find the product you want even if you do not know the specifications) and with an after-sales service, which consists of logistical support for your audiovisual productions and, if necessary, panel repair. All LED screen panels are covered by a warranty and have a continuous usage life of up to 100,000 hours.