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How to Write Product Descriptions for Complex Machinery

Oftentimes, when producing copy or product descriptions for items on various websites, the words you need to use simply jump right out at you and make the process mind-blowingly simple. That’s because to sell most things, you simply need to use an array of exciting and descriptive adjectives that entice the reader and persuade them of the quality of your product. But not all products are this simple to describe; some require technical vocabulary and an element of knowledge to ensure that you describe the features and functions of the product accurately – otherwise, you could fall foul of advertising standards.

When it comes to writing product descriptions for complex machinery, the first thing you need to remember is that your target audience likely has a deep understanding and knowledge of the products you’re peddling, and so will notice any errors in your choice of phrasing as well as the veracity of any claims you might make. Market research is much more important than you might initially think.

So, what do you need to do if you’re tasked with writing product descriptions for such items? It’s not as though you can make it up on the spot or embellish – you’re bound to be found out. Well, this is where we come in – just read on to find out more.

The Devil’s in the Detail

The key to writing effective product descriptions for complex machinery is to focus on the individual details of the various elements that form the items. The vast majority of the time, product descriptions are accompanied by an image or images of said item, so you need to ensure that each of the visible (and non-visible details, for that matter, are covered).

If writing about a product such as electric clutches, for example, you need to include key technical vocabulary such as primary drivers and secondary shafts, as the average consumer searching for these items will be looking out closely for the inclusion of such information.

Create a small list of key vocabulary that you need to include (as well as, if needed, a reminder of what this vocabulary means in layman’s terms) and refer to it as you write the product description.

Accuracy Counts

Research is essential; you simply cannot write a detailed, comprehensive product description of a complex item if you have no knowledge about it whatsoever. But not only do you need to include as much detail as possible, you also need to ensure that the facts you include are accurate – because your target audience is 100% going to know if these facts are true or not, and, if they don’t, a simple search online will verify either way.

So, it pays to not only research the product and ensure that you yourself understand the different aspects and how it works, but to also double-and-triple-check that what you’ve included is completely correct.

Keep it Concise

As with all product descriptions, the length determines whether your target audience will engage with the item or not.

If it’s too long and full of complex vocabulary (which, let’s be fair, a description of machinery is bound to require), your reader will immediately switch off and scroll past the item, not even giving it a second glance. So, to maintain the interest of your audience, it’s imperative that you keep the description as concise as possible.

Obviously, this concise description needs to cover every aspect of the piece of complex machinery so that its features are fully itemized, so don’t make the mistake of writing one that’s too short either!

To sum up, writing a product description for a piece of complex machinery requires research to build your own understanding and a list of key technical terms that you need to make sure you include, in a precise, concise way. Good luck!

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