How To

How to Write Human and Google Friendly Articles for Your Blog

Many bloggers and content marketers find it difficult to write human and Google friendly articles. Unfortunately, unless you master the art of balancing the two, your blog will not grow as fast as you would like. Secondly, writing Google and human-friendly articles is critical if your blog is dedicated to marketing. If your article is Google friendly, then it means that people searching online will easily locate it. If you want the human professionals and the search engine professionals to recognise and read your work, follow these steps, to write this kind of an article requires you to have search engine optimization (SEO) technique which is achieved by a combination of factors and a grammatically correct content.

1) The first step is to find out keywords that relate to the topic you want to write about. You achieve this by researching online to see what most people interested in the topic search for. After identifying the keywords, you then get down to writing.

2) Ensure that the keywords appear at least in the title of your article, once in the first paragraph and once inside the body of the article. If you have a featured image, use your keyword as the title of the featured image. Within the body of the article, use words closely related to your keywords to enable Google figure out the general subject of your article. For instance, if you are writing about moving to a new country, words such as visa and immigration department will help Google figure out the theme of your article. You should avoid keyword stuffing and use synonyms where possible.

3) Your article should have a headline, an article title, a page title and a meta description. A headline is a one-shot, first impression capable of making a person who has never come across your article before want to know more about it. On the other hand, meta description is a less than 160-character summary of your article. When a person searches for a clause that is part of your meta description, Google will display your entire meta description as a search result. The best practice is to ensure that the article headline is different from the page headline. The following example taken from The Daily Beast illustrates this point.

Article Title: Fallout

Page Title: Malaysia Expels North Korean Ambassador

4) While ensuring that your article ranks well in Google, it is also important that your article is interesting and free of grammatical errors. It should be informative and  flow well so that the reader will want to read more. By informative, it means that you need to state specific figures when any figures are involved. You also need to make reference to studies or articles written by other writers.

5) Write high quality work. With advancement in technology, optimizing low quality work will not help because Google algorithms are now capable of differentiating high quality articles from the low quality ones. Originality is key in ensuring that Google classifies your article as high quality. If Google algorithms discover that your content is not entirely original, your blog cannot rank well in Google.

There is a lot that can be said about writing for both Google and human readers. However, the hits that are given here, plus the information that can be accessed through the links provided, will go a long way in helping you perfect your content writing skills. See how to build and manage a fintech blog.

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