Your blog could have everything it takes to make it important, but unless you’re significantly generating leads from it, you may be missing out on a lot of competitive advantage that other businesses are enjoying. It’s a well-known fact that B2B marketers get more leads when they use a blog than when they choose not to. When you’ve got great content on your blog, the content becomes a resource for both your market and your industry.
Over time, more sites will be able to link to your useful posts and attract potential leads towards you. It’s a hassle-free way of generating leads. So how can you write a blog post which generates results in this way? Here we’ve come up with the essentials that you need to ensure that your blog is doing its job.
It’s All About The Opening
Your first goal shouldn’t be to generate leads, but rather to get your audience on your side. Even only got a few valuable seconds to impress and capture attention – in fact, the average time as 37 seconds. How do you win someone over in that short amount of time and keep them reading? The answer is to create a strong opening.
A great way of beginning is to lead with a fact, question or statistic. Presents the reader’s problem and aim to answer it within the first three lines. Give your audience value straightaway in your introduction to convince them that they should look to your blog for the answers.
Long Form Blog Posting
Next, you’ll want to write about a thousand words for your post. But wait, why are we doing this the reader only spends 37 seconds? For those who do get beyond the beginning, they are more likely to respond to your post if they have answered all of their queries and concerns plus more. If you’re not able to cover the subject in depth, then how do you suppose your readers will get the fulfillment they need from you? A reader could just go somewhere else straight away. Long-form posting has been found to generate 10 times more leads than with short-form posting.
Call To Actions
You should try and incorporate a call to action within your blog posts. If your readers don’t make it to your call to action, you should also use links within your content to direct them to relevant e-books, white papers or other information. This is a great blog tip for building your blog’s SEO too.
Blog posts that contain a lot of visual content are a lot better for generating leads. Everybody likes looking at something so visuals can provide more than insight than text. Readers really gauge the meaning through pictures. Illustrations can also help your readers know how to take the next important step all call to action, whether it be signing up for a special offer, download content or whatever you consider a lead to be.
An image really enhances the post, boosting the appeal and thus making more people read the entire post. Images can also help by expanding on ideas in your post. They can be used to provide an emotional connection and a deep, personal connection with your audience. Infographics provide an excellent way of getting all of your information across to your reader in a way that’s visually impressive and succinct. You will want to keep your readers interested in your content in order to help establish your brand.
Use The “Walk Away” Test
So how can you be sure that your blog is capable of generating the leads it deserves? Using this simple test can be a great way to check if your content is really adding value to the audience. After constructing your post, pretend that you are someone visiting for the first time and ask yourself the following questions:
- Have I found a clear answer to my question/problem?
- Do I feel inspired to carry on reading?
- And my more informed about a subject?
- Would I turn to this blog for more information in the future?
If you answer to the questions above are a yes then it looks like you’re well on your way to creating a blog that will generate leads.
Get Writing
Now that you’ve read all of our advice, it’s time for you to start planning and writing your first blog post. Don’t forget that with blog posting also comes maintenance, so take the time to refine, maintain and improve all of your posts as you write them. You should also consider SEO and maintenance on this side on a regular basis. If you’re stuck for ideas, don’t worry as there are companies out there like that can help write posts for you. Follow our advice and you’ll be sure to have a blog that generates leads.
Do you have a blog post of your own? Any tips on how to market it? We’d love to hear more from you. Please leave us your comments and thoughts below.
About The Author:
Mollie Porein is a globally recognized marketing professional and has worked in leading sales and marketing over the world. Today Mollie shares her passion with others and works part-time as a contributor for blogs and websites on digital marketing. Follow her on Twitter and Google Plus.