
How to use ChatGPT for Keyword Research?

How to use ChatGPT for Keyword Research?


Keyword research is a critical component of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), helping to understand what people are searching for online and how they are searching for it. While ChatGPT, a natural language processing chatbot from OpenAI, isn’t designed as a native keyword research tool, its capabilities can be leveraged to enhance keyword research strategies. This blog post delves into how you can effectively use ChatGPT for keyword research, drawing insights from various SEO experts and their experiences.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT operates on powerful language models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, enabling it to hold human-like conversations and assist with various SEO tasks. To use ChatGPT, you simply need to sign up on the OpenAI platform, type a prompt in the message bar, and wait for the bot to respond.

Capabilities of ChatGPT in Keyword Research

Brainstorming and Topic Ideation

ChatGPT excels in brainstorming and generating new keyword and topic ideas. This is particularly useful in uncovering untapped niches or angles that your competitors might not be targeting.

Quick Competitive Analysis

Although ChatGPT doesn’t have access to the latest data, it can provide high-level insights into a niche’s competitive landscape, helping you start with broad keyword ideas.

Social Media Research

It can be employed to understand trends and popular topics in your niche by analyzing social media platforms and influencer content.

Generating Seed Keywords

ChatGPT can help create a list of seed keywords which can be further refined using dedicated keyword research tools. Tools like ChatGPT Japanese can also help with keyword research in Japanese language.

Keyword Expansion and Cleanup

It’s useful for generating specific keywords, adding modifiers, and expanding your keyword list.

Page-Level Keyword Analysis 

Although it has limitations due to character count and the lack of URL crawling, ChatGPT can be used to compare content against currently ranking articles for specific terms.

Interfacing with APIs

ChatGPT can assist SEO professionals in interfacing with different keyword tool APIs, although caution is advised when dealing with programmatic APIs.

Limitations of ChatGPT in Keyword Research

Despite its versatility, ChatGPT has its limitations:

  • It does not have access to direct keyword data, such as search volume or keyword difficulty, often leading to information that is not search-specific.

  • The chatbot might provide confident yet incorrect answers, and its code might contain bugs when interfaced with APIs or used in automation.

  • Its dataset is limited, especially in the base version, and the bot is known to sometimes provide inaccurate answers.

Strategic Use of ChatGPT

  • Long-Tail and Semantically Related Keywords: ChatGPT can generate ideas for long-tail queries and semantically related keywords, although these may not have direct ranking potential.

  • Classifying Keywords by Search Intent: It can help categorize keywords based on search intent types like commercial, navigational, transactional, or informational.

  • Keyword Clustering: While not as advanced as dedicated tools, ChatGPT can assist in clustering keywords based on semantic relevance.

  • Content Strategy Development: ChatGPT can aid in creating a content strategy by suggesting topic clusters and planning content publication schedules.


ChatGPT, while not a replacement for traditional keyword research tools, offers unique advantages in keyword brainstorming, ideation, and preliminary research. Its ability to generate fresh ideas and perspectives can be a valuable addition to an SEO professional’s toolkit. However, its limitations in data accuracy and depth necessitate a combined approach with traditional keyword research tools for a comprehensive strategy. By understanding its strengths and weaknesses, SEO professionals and marketers can leverage ChatGPT effectively for enhancing their keyword research process.

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