Deciding to use PDF files among the many other file formats is the smartest decision when you want the perfect balance of file size, compatibility, and quality of your documents. This file type is extensively used on both personal and business with its very versatile quality which is ideal for the majority of uses. But what is more advanced among the features of PDF is its security and its ability to be encrypted. Indeed, we put confidential and specific contents in our PDF and the last thing we would want to happen is having unwanted access to our files from unknown users especially when we tend to publish our work or export them. With this modern approach for preserving safety on our documents, PDFs are enabled to be integrated with passwords. We add passwords on our PDF for several reasons including restricting people from editing, printing, or reproducing the content you create although the excluded people are the ones you are sharing your PDF with. This article will talk about how to remove password from PDF files on Windows and Mac.
About PDF Password Protection
With PDF becoming more advanced as being considered the most in-demand file type, it can be added with passwords to limit access and restrict its features such as printing and editing respectively. The ethics of securing your PDF is not so complex as it is simply associated with putting keys or passwords to your PC or digital gadgets. In PDF, two passwords are available for you to choose which are the document open password or also known as a user password, and the permissions password which is also known as a master password. As mentioned, password protection on PDF is not as complex as converting while achieving the same quality of your PDF to another format as these two types of passwords are defined closely with each other. Open passwords or user passwords are simply those passwords you set on your PDF. This type of password prevents data from being accessed by anyone who isn’t authorized. You can also send the file to as many individuals as you desire. Users that have the necessary open password have access to the data, but they are unable to alter the contents of the file. When a password is specified, it is mostly used to open a PDF document. On the other hand, when you want to alter the content of a file, you’ll need the other type of password, also known as the master password. In a PDF file, you can edit, alter, print, copy, extract data, and make comments with this password. On a single PDF, you may also set both the user and the permission passwords at the same time. In this situation, you can use either of the passwords to open the file. To alter the file’s content or get other user capabilities, you’ll need the permission password.
No need for a password with aJoysoft
While passwords are widely used for encryption and security purposes on your PDF, these can be bypassed without the need to input passwords. Certain applications are developed to do all the work for you in unlocking those locked PDF files with an effortless and modern approach just like the aJoysoft PDF Password Remover.
aJoySoft PDF Password Remover is a PDF unlocker tool for Windows and Mac, that is designed to give you the most undemanding one-click method to open locked PDF files. In a secured PDF file, a simple copy or modification might be a difficult task but with this software, you are guaranteed to unlock the full potential of PDF by removing all restrictions on copying, editing, and printing by unlocking and unprotecting encrypted files. With a single click, import files into PDF Password Remover and remove any limitations. Make the most out of unlocking PDF files without passwords in the easiest way possible with aJoysoft’s state-of-the-art and very user-friendly interface mainly engineered for easy usage for most users. You can also remove the Open password from your PDFs to make them more accessible for viewing. With the Remove Password action, you can enter the password once and remove the limitation for good. No more nagging password prompts – your PDFs are fully accessible.
Why choose aJoysoft?
The implementation of unlocking PDF passwords without the need to input passwords in the first place in just one click may sound difficult to achieve but with aJoysoft, you are assured of that promising result. With an affordable $19.99 and the cheapest cost you can find yet for a premium perpetual license, you can maximize your experience in unlocking most of your PDF along with better features, though you can still have it all for free. The software also makes sure you’re maintaining efficiency and ahead of time with a batch decryption feature to process unlocking loads of PDF. This powerful tool ensures you don’t need to worry about locked PDF files anytime on your desk as this is available on Windows.
Unlocking PDF with aJoysoft
When talking about ease, aJoysoft addresses that with only a 3-step instruction to get the job done seamlessly:
Step 1 First use the “Add Files” icon or drag and drop as many PDF files as you wish since aJoysoft also supports batch processing.
Step 2: (Scenario 1) If your PDF is not locked with an Open or User password for your PDF
In this instance, PDF Password Remover will not display a lock icon next to the file. By selecting “Remove Password,” you will be able to print, edit, and copy the contents of the document without any restrictions.
(Scenario 2) If your PDF is locked with an Open or User password for your PDF, the padlock icon will appear in this case, along with a message that says, “The document has an open password; you must enter the password to unlock it.” When you click the lock icon, a pop-up window appears, where you can enter your password and click “OK.” to get the Open password unlocked
Step 3: Lastly, select a designated location for your unlocked PDF files to be saved.
It is a common experience to be frustrated on managing PDF files especially when you have to enter passwords you may have forgotten or don’t know especially when you want to make use of it on time, but you’ll know what to do next with aJoysoft PDF Password Remover.