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How To Unblock A Drain: 5 Pro Tips

How To Unblock A Drain: 5 Pro Tips

Are you fed up with a blocked drain in your home? Has it been causing you sleepless nights and stress-filled days? Don’t worry; help is at hand! Unblocking a drain doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. This article explains the easiest ways to unblock a drain and get your plumbing back on track. 

Blockages can occur in many places within your plumbing system – from sinks to showers – but whatever the cause of your blockage, solutions don’t require calling out an expensive plumber. So if you’ve been dealing with too many clogged drains, read on to find out how to unblock a drain! 

#1 Consult An Expert 

You may want to avoid paying for professional help, but damaging your drainage system by trying to fix it yourself could cost you more money than a professional plumber! 

Attempting to handle a complex drain issue can lead to further damage and blockages, so it’s important to know when to reach out and ask an expert for advice. 

Sewage and waste experts, for example, UK-based company Walsh Bros, are fantastic resources to approach when you need extra help with your drainage. 

They will be able to send out an assessor to find the source of your issue, and their operatives will use top-range equipment to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. 

However, if you do think you can solve your plumbing problem yourself, here are four more effective ways to unblock a drain:

#2 Flush With Boiling Water

Boiling water is one of the simplest and most common ways to unblock a drain. You only need to boil some water in a pot or kettle on your stovetop, then pour it down the clogged drain. 

The hot water should help break up whatever debris may be blocking the pipes. It’s important not to use too much-boiling water, which could damage the pipes and any seals around them. 

After pouring the boiling water, wait at least five minutes before running cold tap water to flush out the loosened blockage. If there are still signs of clogging after doing this once, try boiling more water and repeating the process until it clears completely.

#3 Use A Plunger

Using a plunger is one of the most common ways to unblock a drain. First, fill the sink or tub with enough water to cover the top of the plunger’s cup. 

You should place the plunger over the crowded area and pump it several times until you feel resistance. This indicates that pressure has been built up to dislodge whatever may be stuck inside.

If your efforts are not working, try adding some lubricant, such as soap, before trying again. Once successful, rinse the debris and remove the plunger from the drain. 

With regular maintenance, plungers can help keep drains unclogged for longer periods.

#4 Try Baking Soda & Vinegar

One of the most common and effective ways to unblock a drain is baking soda and vinegar. All you need is one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar. 

Pour your baking soda down the clogged drain first, then follow it with the cup of vinegar. You’ll want to plug the drain up immediately after pouring in the ingredients, creating foam that can help break apart any clogs or debris in the pipes. 

Let this mixture sit for about an hour before flushing it with hot water. This should dislodge whatever was causing the blockage without using harsh chemicals or calling a plumber. If needed, repeat these steps until all blockages are cleared from your drains.

#5 Unblock With A Plumbing Snake Or Auger

If the baking soda and vinegar mixture didn’t do the trick for unblocking your drain, then it’s time to try using a plumbing snake or auger. These tools are designed specifically to break up clogs that have built up in drains. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Plumbing Snake/Auger
  • Safety goggles
  • Gloves

Start by inserting the plumbing snake/auger into the drain until you feel resistance from the blockage. Then turn on the machine and start cranking it clockwise while applying pressure with slow movements. 

As you’re doing this, keep an eye out for any pieces of debris coming out of the pipe – these could be a sign that you’ve broken through whatever is causing the clog. 

Once all the debris has been cleared away, remove the tool from your drain and flush it with hot water to ensure everything is clear. With a few simple steps, your blocked drain should be free-flowing again!

In Conclusion, 

No matter what solution you need for your blocked drain, it’s important to take action right away so things don’t get worse over time. Now that you know how to unblock a drain, you can see if these methods work for you. 

Remember, if you can’t find the source of your blockage or the problem seems to be worsening – call a professional immediately. It could save you money in the long run!

Author Bio, 

George Luke is a professional Content writer. Based in California, is an author and blogger with experience in encounter composing on various topics including but not limited to Home, Décor, Technology, Food, Marketing, Lifestyle and beauty etc.

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