How To

How to teach your child to follow discipline?

Parenting is not an easy task, and teaching your child to follow discipline is one of the most important skills any parent can teach their child. Discipline is essential for a child’s development as it teaches them responsibility and helps them to become more organized, self-motivated, and successful. While discipline is an important part of a child’s life, it is also important to remember that discipline is more than just rules and punishments. Teaching your child to follow discipline involves understanding their needs and motivations, setting clear boundaries and expectations, providing positive reinforcement, and providing consistent discipline. 

As stated by the top CBSE school “Discipline is a core value that all parents want to instil in their children. Teaching children to follow discipline can be a difficult task, but it is a necessary one. By setting boundaries and providing consequences, parents can help their children learn to follow discipline and become successful adults. In this blog, we will explore some of the best strategies to teach your child to follow discipline. “

Here are some tips to help you teach your child to follow discipline: 

  1. Set Clear Expectations: 

Before you start teaching your child discipline, it’s essential to set clear expectations. You can even make a to-do list or expectations list for your child. Talk to your child about the rules that you expect him/her to follow and explain why it’s important to follow them. Make sure your child understands the consequences of breaking the rules. Setting clear expectations for your child will also bring them clarity things. For instance, they will know what consequences they will have to bear if they follow the rules, what result they will get, and if they do not follow the rules. So, when they understand this, they will act accordingly. 

  1. Use Positive Reinforcement: 

Positive reinforcement is an effective way to teach your child discipline. With the help of positive reinforcement, you can make them feel that following discipline can be resultful for them. When your child follows the rules, reward them with praise or a special treat. This will help your child learn that following the rules has positive consequences. After all, in the end, we want to make our kids understand how following disciplined life can help them bear fruitful results or can bring them tremendous success in every field of life. 

  1. Model Good Behaviour: 

It’s important to remember that your child will learn from your example, so make sure you’re setting a good example of how to follow the rules and act responsibly. If you want your child to follow the rules, you need to do the same. For that, you have to make sure that you, as a human, present yourself with good behaviour no matter how complex the situation is. Not just in random situations but every day as a parent, you must model good behaviour in front of your children especially. After all, for children, their parents are their first true role models. 

  1. Be Consistent: 

Consistency is key when it comes to teaching your child discipline. Make sure you follow through with any consequences that you set for breaking the rules. This will help your child understand the importance of following the rules. As a parent, you have to understand that being consistent is the only factor that helps in promoting positive parenting. Also, when you follow a consistent approach to disciplining your children, it will help you put them in control of their behaviour. With consistency, we mean that you can give your child second and even more chances when they break the rules or do not behave well around people. 

  1. Be Patient:

It takes time for children to learn and understand the importance of following rules and displaying self-discipline. Don’t expect your child to learn overnight. Be patient and keep offering positive reinforcement when your child does follow the rules. According to various research studies, too, calm consequences are more effective for kids to learn about what will happen when they behave badly. In addition, patience is the main key to teaching your children discipline. After all, it is only patience that can make the little learners learn things without even feeling heavy or pressurized. 


In conclusion, it is essential for parents to set boundaries and provide consequences for their children in order to teach them to follow discipline and become successful adults. By using these strategies, children can learn to think more critically and understand the importance of following rules and regulations. With this knowledge, children can develop a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and others. With the right guidance and encouragement, children can become successful adults. So, now no more worries about how to teach your child discipline when you have these critical pointers by your side.  Discipline is important and successful factor in students, said academic counsellor of Pragyanam School, is one of the best schools for admission in Gurgaon

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