
How To Secure Your Crypto Network?

What Is Staking In Crypto World? How Does Crypto Staking Work? And most importantly, What Are The Best Crypto Coins To Stake? To answer all of these questions, we’ll use the following cryptocurrencies as examples: PIVX (PIVX), Stellar Lumens (XLM), and NEO (NEO). Also, if you’re not familiar with the term staking in the crypto world, you can learn more about it here.

The Importance of Securing Your Crypto

Crypto is new and exciting, but it’s also volatile. If you decide to invest in crypto, that means you have to deal with cybercriminals who are trying to get into your wallets; they may even try to attack your network. While having a secure wallet is extremely important when dealing with any currency, one wrong move when it comes to securing your network could lead to malicious attacks.  

If you want to protect your cryptocurrency from hackers or malicious attacks, here are some tips for how best to secure your crypto:

  1. When it comes to cloud storage, use an external device like a hard drive or USB stick instead of emailing yourself documents.
  2. Whenever possible, keep private information offline (rather than on Google Drive or iCloud).
  3. Install security software on all devices used to manage your crypto accounts; we recommend Cryptonite (the most popular anti-malware tool) because it works across all operating systems and browsers. 

Note: be sure not to send any suspicious emails containing links/URLs directly to Gmail as Google Apps filters out phishing attempts. If you’re worried about something, open a new browser window instead and navigate there manually!

Understanding How Forgers Work

What is staking, and why does it matter? You’ve read about Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS), but you may be wondering how exactly they work. After all, how do you prove that a cryptocurrency was forged in work or staked without being confusing? One way to look at it is that cryptocurrencies that use PoW are generated by miners who mine blocks and are rewarded with cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies that use PoS are forged by people running nodes on a blockchain network. These nodes stake their coins over time, which gives them an incentive to help secure and run the network.

What is PoS?

Proof of stake is a form of cryptocurrency consensus protocol where users show ownership of coins to mint new blocks. It is an alternative to proof of work, and it requires a smaller amount of computational power to run but still requires energy consumption. Proof-of-stake systems aim to provide just enough incentive for nodes (participants in a blockchain network) to remain honest. The motivation for doing so is that these systems use less computing power (and thus less electricity). PoS-based cryptocurrencies are given rewards for validating transactions on the blockchain, called staking. These rewards come in either newly minted coins or transaction fees.

Advantages of Staking

Having your crypto locked in a staking wallet means it’s unavailable for trading or spending, which can mean extra returns. Most cryptocurrencies offer compound interest, meaning that you earn interest on top of interest, making your money grow exponentially over time. If you were to take one bitcoin and turn it into two bitcoins over five years by investing in staking, that’s a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 64%. Plus, some coins like Qtum offer dividends to token holders. It’s just like buying stock in a company and earning a reward for being an owner. Also known as proof-of-stake (PoS), staking is essentially guaranteed passive income if you play your cards right.

Disadvantages of Staking

Staking rewards are two incentives on a blockchain network designed to keep validators honest. In Proof-of-Work systems (like Bitcoin), nodes compete to solve cryptographic puzzles in exchange for block rewards. In staking-based systems (like Decred and Tezos), block rewards are replaced with transaction fees paid out to validators who sign off on transactions. A network that uses Proof-of-Stake as its consensus protocol may not have miners but still requires some form of an incentive mechanism to ensure all participants play by the rules.


While it can be tempting to hold all of your cryptos in one location, it’s safer to spread your funds across multiple sites. If a hacker wants to get into your network, he’ll need to steal from you at more than one location. A wallet with many minor deposits makes it impossible for a thief to grab everything. Crypto staking is one method that allows users to stake and secure their coins in different locations. This is similar to obtaining fiat money in foreign banks across multiple countries. It doesn’t take much time or money for most people, but it significantly boosts their peace of mind.

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